
Thanks for confirming that this version works and solves your issue.

ronnie sahlberg

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Serge Rijkers <> wrote:
> Dear Ronnie and Ritesh,
> I hope Ritesh has the 1.9.4 release of libnfs in the debian archive soon. In
> the meantime I have checked the libnfs.c on github tag release 1.9.4. It
> contains the local modification I used to get libnfs and xbmc to play
> together. I expect that the new release will fix the issue permanently.  FYI
> i already use "insecure" in my exports file, so I do not expect any issues
> in that regard.
> Thank you both for your efforts,
> Regards Serge Rijkers
> On 06/30/2014 12:19 AM, ronnie sahlberg wrote:
>> Please try libnfs version 1.9.4 which has just been released.
>> If this version also fails, can you check that you have set the export
>> to "insecure" in /etc/exports for the shares on the server?
>> Also, can you collect a network trace with wireshark showing the failure?
>> regards
>> ronnie sahlberg
>> On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Serge,
>>> Thank you for following on this bug report. I'm CCing upstream to seek
>>> their
>>> opinion.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ritesh
>>> On 06/29/2014 07:07 PM, Serge Rijkers wrote:
>>> Dear Maintainer,
>>> I am reporting the exact same issue as bug number 749123. The proposed
>>> fix using libnfs 1.9.3-3 does not solve the issue. Bug 749123 has been
>>> archived so could not be reopened.
>>> I am adding a relevant section from xbmc.log
>>> %< ------ snip ------>%
>>> 14:35:31 T:140626280572672   DEBUG: Loading:
>>> 14:35:31 T:140626280572672   DEBUG: NFS: Context for  not open - get anew
>>> context.
>>> 14:35:31 T:140626280572672   ERROR: NFS: Failed to mount nfs
>>> share:(nfs_mount_async failed)
>>> 14:35:32 T:140627785025856   DEBUG: ------ Window Init
>>> (DialogBusy.xml)------
>>> 14:35:34 T:140627785025856   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml)
>>> ------
>>> 14:35:39 T:140627785025856   DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse
>>> actionleftclick
>>> 14:35:42 T:140627785025856   DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse
>>> actionleftclick
>>> 14:35:42 T:140626280572672   DEBUG: NFS: Context for
>>> not open - get a new context.
>>> 14:35:42 T:140626280572672   DEBUG: NFS: Connected to server
>>> and export /home/rss/dvd
>>> 14:35:42 T:140626280572672   DEBUG: NFS: chunks: r/w 65536/65536
>>> 14:35:42 T:140626280572672   ERROR: Failed to open(//) nfs_opendir_async
>>> failed
>>> 14:35:42 T:140627785025856   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
>>> nfs://
>>> 14:35:42 T:140627785025856   ERROR:
>>> CGUIDialogFileBrowser::GetDirectory(nfs://
>>> failed
>>> %<------ end snip ------>%
>>> Mounting the shares locally as the user works using fstab. The following
>>> is in my fstab:
>>> %<------ snip ------>%
>>>     /home/rss/mnt/video_kb  nfs
>>> tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=8192,intr,noatime,user,noauto,rw  0       0
>>> %<------ end snip ------>%
>>> --
>>> Ritesh Raj Sarraf
>>> "Necessity is the mother of invention."

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