
teatime:~# dpkg -l licq\*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                      Version                   Description
ii  licq                      1.3.2-4                   ICQ client (base files)
un  licq-data                 <none>                    (no description available)
in  licq-dev                  <none>                    (no description available)
un  licq-plugin               <none>                    (no description available)
ii  licq-plugin-autoreply     1.3.2-4                   autoreply plug-in for Licq
ii  licq-plugin-console       1.3.2-4                   console user interface plug-in for Licq
ii  licq-plugin-forwarder     1.3.2-4                   forwarder plug-in for Licq
un  licq-plugin-gnome         <none>                    (no description available)
un  licq-plugin-gtk+          <none>                    (no description available)
pn  licq-plugin-jonsgtk       <none>                    (no description available)
ii  licq-plugin-kde           1.3.2-4                   graphical user interface plug-in for Licq using Qt and KDE
ii  licq-plugin-msn           1.3.2-4                   MSN plug-in for Licq
ii  licq-plugin-osd           1.3.2-4                   on-screen display plug-in for Licq
ii  licq-plugin-qt            1.3.2-4                   graphical user interface plug-in for Licq using Qt
un  licq-plugin-qt2           <none>                    (no description available)
ii  licq-plugin-rms           1.3.2-4                   remote management server plug-in for telnet Licq access
un  licq-ssl                  <none>                    (no description available)

Thanks for your quick response,

Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Svilen Stanoev wrote:
Licq & plugins are installed using apt-get, with no errors.
When trying to start licq with RMS plugin (-p rms) it crashes
with the following error message:

Please check with dpkg -l licq-\* that your plugins are in sync with the 
main version.

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