tags 749324 + upstream
tags 749324 + patch
user cont...@itopie.ch
usertags 749324 + itopie.ch-installation
user i...@codha.ch
usertags 749324 + codha.ch-installation

Hi there!

On Mon, 26 May 2014 13:18:43 +0200, Matthijs Kooijman wrote:
> it would be great if this package could provide a .desktop file, which
> makes it easier to start. Also, this allows simply linking or copying
> the desktop file into ~/.config/autostart to make the application
> autostart.
> Perhaps it's even better if a desktop file is provided in
> /etc/xdg/autostart, so the application autostarts when installed, though
> that might conflict with existing volume handling tools (depending on
> the X session type chosen).

Here a working .desktop file for /etc/xdg/autostart, IMHO anything else
is useless:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Volume Icon
Name[fr]=Icône pour le contrôle du volume
Comment=Lightweight volume control for the systray
Comment[fr]=Simple contrôle du volume pour la barre d'état
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> notify-osd has a similar problem and seems to handle this by adding
> X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false to make it disabled by default,
> Just providing a desktop file in /usr/share/applications would help in
> any case. This will allow using gnome-tweak-tool (which seems to be the
> de facto tool for gnome customization) to add volumeicon to the list of
> startup applications by picking it from a list.

I do not follow GNOME so closely, but the .desktop file above is the
same as xfce4-power-manager, which is clearly a non-GNOME application,
so it should be fine.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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