Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal


I'm looking for a sponsor of my package of the Python-xmp-toolkit:

The Debian patch is community maintained:

Plus, I've uploaded the my package to mentors:

My buildlog:


  * New upstream release: updated hardcode-library-name.diff, removed
    fix-deprecated-unittest-methods.diff (applied upstream).
  * Changed to build with setuptools:
+ Removed patches/no-setuptools.diff, added b-ds on python(3)-setuptools.
  * deb/control:
    + Change of maintainer (Closes: #708545).
    + Bumped debhelper level to 9 (also in debian/compat).
    + B-ds: dropped python-support, added python3-all, python(3)-mock,
      python(3)-tz (needed by test suite), and dh-python.
    + Bumped standards to 3.9.5 (no changes needed).
    + Changed Homepage URL (Google Code became obsolete).
    + Added X-Python(3)-Versions.
    + Added description for Python3 bindings package.
  * deb/copyright:
    + Updated Format URI [Jakub Wilk].
    + Straightened, removed trailing commas, updated.
  * deb/rules:
    + Added DH_VERBOSE, DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS and PYBUILD_NAME export lines.
    + Reduced to build with dh sequencer.
  * deb/watch: changed from Google Code (obsolete) to Pypi.
  * Upstream ships with Sphinx documentation:
    + Removed deb/ (not needed anymore to create dfsg).
    + deb/control: added b-d for python-sphinx.
    + deb/rules: overrides for building docs and removal of docs/_build.
+ deb/rules: generation of symbolic links for jquery.js and underscore.js.
    + Added deb/python(3) and deb/python(3)-libxmp.doc-base.
  * deb/source: added extend-diff-ignore for \.egg-info.
  * Wrapped and sorted.

Thank you very much,
Daniel Stender

PGP key: 2048R/E41BD2D0
C879 5E41 1ED7 EE80 0F2E 7D0C DBDD 4D96 E41B D2D0

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