Package: pkg-config
Version: 0.20-1
Severity: normal


 (we had this discussion on IRC already)

 It might be nice to use "-I" of the .private pseudo-headers in .pc
 files each time some -I flags are requested, eg. not only for static

 As I understand it, the introduction of .private pseudo-headers was
 meant to lower the number of ELF DEPENDS as caused by the use of "-l"
 flags when linking objects with the help of pkg-config.
   These flags are only needed when linking statically, and pkg-config
 offers a "--static" flag to choose the type of linking one wants.

 The problems arise for header files of a package distributing a .pc
 file when these are including third party headers;  for example, the
 vte headers include the Atk, Pango, Gtk and other headers.

 While there might be some discussion on whether the ELF DEPENDS should
 reflect these header inclusions, it seems quite safe to assume that all
 -I, from private or non private headers, should be present when
 building objets, for static linking or not.



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