On Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:21:03 +0200, Jens Thoms Toerring wrote:

> > The problem is that the constants are exported by File::FcntlLock::Core
> > but no longer by File::FcntlLock itself.

> Thank you very much for the patch! I applied it (and made some more
> small changes to the XS, Pure and Inline modules which also need to
> export these constants). 

Amazing, thank you Jens.

> The new version 0.22 (don't use the 0.21
> version, it's still missing the corrections for the XS/Pure/Inline
> modules) has just been uploaded to PAUSE. Please complain loudly if
> you find any further issues;-)

I'll upload 0.22 to Debian as soon as it hits the CPAN mirrors.


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