Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for 
the whatmaps source package.

This review will last from Tuesday, August 05, 2014 to Friday, August 15, 2014.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, a summary will be sent to the review bug report,
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

--- whatmaps.old/debian/templates       2014-07-31 07:22:25.299890957 +0200
+++ whatmaps/debian/templates   2014-08-05 07:28:44.989080151 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
  depend on. Without that they remain vulnerable to security bugs fixed in these
- Automatic service restarts are only done if apt fetched the library from a
+ Automatic service restarts are only done if APT fetched the library from a
  source providing security updates. This also affects packages installed
- via unattended-upgrades.
+ via "unattended-upgrades".

No big change, indeed. Just standardizing on "APT" as we're talking
about the tool rather than the command itself....and quoting the
"unattended-upgrades" command.

Still, there might be room for improvement as I have the loose feeling
that the template doesn't soon as "native english" as it could
be.....but this is something I'd rather leave to Justin...:-)


Template: whatmaps/enable_service_restarts
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Automatically restart services after shared library security 
 Services need to be restarted to benefit from updates of shared libraries they
 depend on. Without that they remain vulnerable to security bugs fixed in these
 Automatic service restarts are only done if APT fetched the library from a
 source providing security updates. This also affects packages installed
 via "unattended-upgrades".
--- whatmaps.old/debian/templates       2014-07-31 07:22:25.299890957 +0200
+++ whatmaps/debian/templates   2014-08-05 07:28:44.989080151 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
  depend on. Without that they remain vulnerable to security bugs fixed in these
- Automatic service restarts are only done if apt fetched the library from a
+ Automatic service restarts are only done if APT fetched the library from a
  source providing security updates. This also affects packages installed
- via unattended-upgrades.
+ via "unattended-upgrades".
Source: whatmaps
Section: admin
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Guido Günther <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~), lsb-release,
  python-all (>> 2.6.6-3~),
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Vcs-Git: git://
X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest

Package: whatmaps
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, lsb-release,
 python-apt, python-pkg-resources
Description: tool to find processes mapping shared objects
 After package upgrades (especially security fixes), services using a
 shared library need to be restarted to make use of the updated version.
 Whatmaps looks for shared objects provided by upgraded packages, lists any
 running processes that map them, and can integrate with APT to restart
 services as needed after security upgrades.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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