Friends -

I tried to figure out where the sources are for the .jar files
required for scala-2.11.2.  I'll append my stupid shell script,
and its output.  Some, but not all, of those sources show up in

If you can't tell, I'm not really much of a Java person.
But I do want to run chisel, which is written in scala.

I hope this helps, even if only a little.

  - Larry

# Based on hints in
# and in the thread

# Run this in scala-2.11.2 (unpacked from
#  52654124565a1706e9e6d0ad7b0969d319628847  scala-sources-2.11.2.tar.gz
# ) after it's built (a step that has to be done online, so it can
# download .jar files)

# The following files are already part of Debian:
DEBIAN_maven_ant_tasks_2="libmaven-ant-tasks-java (2.1.3)"
DEBIAN_jsoup_1="libsoup-java (1.6.1)"

find -name "*desired.sha1" | sed -e 's/.desired.sha1$//' | while read f; do
  if test -r $f; then
    ls -l $f | awk '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,$9}'
    g=`basename "$f" | sed -e 's/\..*//' -e 's/-/_/g'`
    #echo "looking for $g"
    eval "dfile=\${DEBIAN_$g}"
    if test -n "$dfile"; then
      echo "file already in Debian package $dfile"
      CLASSES=$(jar tf "$f" |grep class |sed 's/.class$//')
      javap -classpath "$f" -s $CLASSES | grep "^Compiled from" | sort -u
224277 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/ant/ant-contrib.jar
file already in Debian as ant-contrib
1506140 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/ant/ant.jar
file already in Debian as ant
15910 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/ant/vizant.jar
57795 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/ant/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
1314262 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar
file already in Debian as libmaven-ant-tasks-java (2.1.3)
60850 Jul 21 00:50 ./lib/forkjoin.jar
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
8886289 Jul 21 00:50 ./tools/push.jar
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
Compiled from ""
31725 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/speclib/instrumented.jar
Compiled from ""
Compiled from "ScalaRunTime.scala"
133835 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/jsoup-1.3.1.jar
file already in Debian as libsoup-java (1.6.1)
1136 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/genericNest.jar
Compiled from ""
2242 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/annotations.jar
file already in Debian as proguard
609 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/methvsfield.jar
Compiled from ""
1372 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/enums.jar
Compiled from ""
2920 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/nest.jar
Compiled from ""
2065 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/lib/macro210.jar
Compiled from "Macros.scala"
683 Jul 21 00:50 ./test/files/codelib/code.jar
Error:  no classes specified

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