Friends -

Working in Debian Wheezy, I built scala-2.11.2 from sources without using
un-sourced jars.  Source is
52654124565a1706e9e6d0ad7b0969d319628847  scala-sources-2.11.2.tar.gz

In scala's build.xml I changed the definition of lib-ant.dir from
${lib.dir}/ant to /usr/share/java (to pull in ant.jar from ant-1.8.2-4)
and changed the maven version reflected in maven-ant-tasks.classpath from
2.1.1 to 2.1.3.  These changes are similar in purpose and scope to the 
in Debian's scala-2.9.2

Sometime between scala 2.11.1 and 2.11.2, the local fork of jline was
disabled, and has since been removed from the sources.  So I didn't
even do the "Build Jline" step of the old debian/rules.

Then I removed all the .desired.sha1 files, disconnected myself fully from 
the network, and built.  20 minutes later, it told me "BUILD SUCCESSFUL".
Not only that, I can run through a bunch of simple scala tutorials using
the resulting build/quick/bin/scala.

I guess my message is that the current scala sources are far more Debian-
friendly than some earlier versions.  Of course, it's also possible all those 
net-derived jar files (indirectly referenced by .desired.sha1) add some 
important functionality that I haven't tested.  But ignoring them and 
building a base system is probably usable, and such a Debian package 
could be uploaded without a lot of work.  I'd want Mehdi or some other
scala-experienced person to verify this.

  - Larry

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