On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 01:37:56PM +0200, Ondřej Grover wrote:

> thank you for the instructions Andrea, it turned out that I found the clone
> URL on the page linked in Vcs-Browser field from the `apt-cache showsrc
> spectrwm` output, but I should have used the one in the Vcs-Git
> field.Should I file a bug at Alioth about this?

The data returned by that command is outdated. I've updated the value
of Vcs-Browser so that it points to the correct URL.

I have no idea why there seems to be a gitweb instance returning stale
data while Alioth has switched to cgit. Feel free to investingate further
if you feel like it :)

> To give back I decided to test importing the 2.6.0 version and it worked:

The repository now contains 2.6.0 as well.

> By the way, it's great seeing Debian patches being adopted by upstream,
> just the way distributions should collaborate with upstream IMHO.

Having a minimal delta with respect to upstream has always been one of my

In the past getting patches merged upstream has been difficult but lately,
thanks I guess to the increased number of people with commit rights and
to the switch to git and GitHub, it's been really quite easy.

Have a nice day.

Andrea Bolognani <e...@kiyuko.org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.

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