severity 341226 important tags 341226 + moreinfo unreproducible thanks >>>>> LFLD == Luis Fernando Llana Díaz [2005-11-29]
LFLD> Package: auctex LFLD> Version: 11.55-1 LFLD> Severity: critical LFLD> Justification: causes serious data loss Hi! Please, do not abuse severity levels. You can find a description of their meaning and intended use at: <>. LFLD> I have been using emacs/auctex satisfactory for quite a long time. LFLD> Now I have activated the fly spell checker. It seems that when there LFLD> is an italized word whose spelling is not correct then emacs blocks. On my systems, it seems not: I cannot reproduce this bug. Fly spelling works fine here with AUCTeX. Can you please provide a minimal example (a file or a buffer content) to trigger this bug, so that I can try to reproduce it? -- Thanks, Davide