On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 12:32:07PM +0200, Piet Plomp wrote:
> Dear all,
> This bug might be related to recency. I created accounts for our new
> students last week. Now, a listing of the home directories on the jessie
> systems shows about half of the _new_ accounts the identity as the
> infamous 4294967294.
> Since the new accounts were created, no reboots were done and no relevant
> services were restarted.
> The identities of older accounts are now all present.
> As always, id lists the correct identities in all cases.
> On the wheezy systems, all identities are shown correctly.
> Hope this helps in some way.

Just another datapoint: this is different from my case. No new users
created, randomly new files get -1 for a while, after which the correct
UID is listed.


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