On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:42:53AM +0200, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

> I frequently receive mail to clamav@`hostname` from the Cron Daemon,
> saying "curl: (28) connect() timed out!", one or more times.
> The missing info is how severe those warnings are.
> When have those files been last updated?

That is indeed the most annoying thing about clamav-unofficial-sigs,
CCing upstream on this mail, Bill, full discussion here:


Bill, would it be possible for you to update clamav-unofficial-sigs so
that only signature downtime of more than one day is reported by the
cron job? The current setup means that many admins are getting a lot of
non-actionable cron spam, myself included.

> Perhaps, that recipient address should be configurable.

To set the recipient address you can put MAILTO=some...@example.org in
the cron job configuration file.

> shell variable si_url is hardcoded in clamav-unofficial-
> sigs.sh. Perhaps, making it configurable may encourage
> donations.  In fact, it is not clear whether that host
> is managed by Sanesecurity or SecuriteInfo.

You can change the default URL by putting si_url=... here:


I doubt the premium mirrors would resolve this issue though.



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