On 17.09.2014 04:15, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> I keep working on this.

Hello and welcome back.

> So far, I was able to build 2.2.8 in Debian and this should fix all
> the serious bugs with this packages. I did this simplifying the build
> and replacing ant with javahelper. Another option is to keep using
> ant since Markus did some work in a branch.

Could you push your changes to Git please?

> However, as I said previously 2.2.8 introduces a new dependency on
> Java EE 6/7 APIs but I found out some issues with the APIs source
> licensing.
> According to 
> http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/javaee-api/7.0/javaee-api-7.0.pom
> that code is dual licensed under GPLv2 and CDDL.
> However there are some .java files in the source with confidential
> clauses and some weird non-free disclaimers. Maybe those disclaimers
> are outdated, I have to confirm this and if everything is OK, then get
> that package in the archive.

I have written a new debian/copyright file and pushed it to
experimental. Maybe you can use it as a starting point for the final
release. I can confirm what you wrote. There is at least


which is non-free according to its license terms. I believe the other
clauses are O.K. They are licensed under the GPL-2 with classpath
exception or the CDDL and some files contain code fragments once
licensed under Apache 2.0

> Another option is to check if some mojarra features depending on those
> APIs can be disabled.
> I'll post again when I have more info.

If you need some help, please feel free to ping me.



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