
Indeed, I think that having only one backend by package might become
quite quickly a nightmare to maintain.

So here is what I propose:

 - asciidoc-data (contains common tools, filters, lang files, backends
=> data from /usr/share/asciidoc/, /etc/asciidoc/) -> No dependencies

 - asciidoc-minimal (contains python files =>
/usr/share/asciidoc/asciidocapi.py, /usr/bin/*) -> Depends on python
and asciidoc-data and recommends libxml2-utils, xmlto (you're able to
generate man pages, xhtml using a2x and html files using asciidoc and
maybe others, have to test) => recommends less than 25M of
dependencies over the current 700M

 - asciidoc-doc (basically containing data from
/usr/share/doc/asciidoc/*/ and man pages) -> Depends on asciidoc-data

 - asciidoc-dblatex (a meta package to get the dependencies required
for further document processing using dblatex) -> Depends on
asciidoc-minimal, docbook-utils, dblatex and suggests on epubcheck,

 - asciidoc-fop (a meta package to get the dependencies required for
further document processing using fop) -> Depends on asciidoc-minimal,
docbook-utils, fop and suggests on epubcheck, source-highlight

 - asciidoc would be a meta package installing asciidoc-data,
asciidoc-minimal, asciidoc-doc, asciidoc-dblatex and vim-asciidoc
(keeping the current style of the package for users not to be lost
after the upgrade)

I'll also trigger an apt-listchanges NEWS file to indicate those splits.

I'm not sure what the docbook-utils dependency is used for but as I
was able to generate html documents and man pages after removing it so
put only with dblatex and fop packages. Still have to check that.

Would that sound a good start for you?

Thanks in advance,

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