On 19.09.2014 07:32, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Control: owner -1 !
> Control: tags -1 pending
> I'll try to review these packages over the weekend.
> (the package looks huge :)

Hi Tobi!

Thank you for your interest in UFO:AI. Indeed it's one of the more
complex and bigger games. :)

> (First thing that I saw -- but I don't know how's the best practice
> in pkg-games, so maybe this is more a question to the list:
> There is only one ITP filed, but three source packages (ufoai, -data,
> -maps and -music)?

I presume you wanted to CC debian-devel-games. All e-mails to team
maintained packages are automatically forwarded to pkg-games-devel but
most of the discussion happens on debian-devel-games.

> Should the ITP be cloned (and blocking each other) to be able
> to close a ITP or is it fine to ignore/override the lintian?)

FWIW, I think we should follow Lintian's advice in this case and just
use one ITP bug to track the progress.


The three data packages are all part of the same game and they had to be
split because of size and functional reasons but they wouldn't make
sense without the ufoai source package.

> I'll probably also clone this RFS bug to have an per-package tracking of
> the review process. (unless this is a first-pass-package ;-))

Sure, it is. :P



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