On 25 September 2014 12:56, Daniel Iancu <iancudani...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm receiving this Cron error email:
> Subject: root test -x /usr/sbin/tigercron && { [ -r "$DEFAULT" ] && .
> "$DEFAULT" ; nice -n$NICETIGER /usr/sbin/tigercron -q ; }
> Message: /bin/sh: 1: root: not found
> Any idea why?

In order to investigate this issue we would need you to provide your
current Tiger configuration (tigerrc as well as cronrc) as well as the
precise time (hour/minutes) when you receive this mail.

> I have no problems using /bin/sh.
This mail is caused by an error one of Tiger's scripts that are run through
cron. We would need to first determine which script is being run that
generates the error (using the information required above)

Alternatively, you could send me (in private, if you wish) the result of
running tiger (i.e. all the scripts) including the standard output and
standard error. That could also be used to narrow down which script is
generating that error.



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