On Thu, 2014-09-25 at 12:22 +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> No "Hi" at the begin as it seems to be not common sense anymore to
> greet before answering.
> Am Do den  2. Jan 2014 um 13:46 schrieb Roger Leigh:
> > > This will prevent from using /usr via NFS or having a /usr md device or
> > > having /usr on LVM (Not sure about any of this issues, as I use initram
> > > only on systems with a NFS /usr.) And there is even more cases where the
> > > /usr mount needs to be done later in init stack.
> > 
> > This patchset will continue to allow you to have /usr on NFS and/or
> > MD/LVM.  However, it will require you to use an initramfs to mount
> > /usr as a separate filesystem.
> And that will break all systems that are well designed by having a
> separate /usr

That's not so much a design as a tradition arising from historical

> and have, for any well decided reason, no initram. And
> there are several reasons why you would not want to have it.
> And, in my case, that would break most of my systems as I usually avoid
> to use a initram.

Sorry, but you'll probably have to change them eventually.


Ben Hutchings
This sentence contradicts itself - no actually it doesn't.

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