On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:56:55PM +0200, Simon Paillard wrote:

> Several of possibilities:
> * mid term: get an UsaEpay API key for debian at
>   (which Brian said they are SPI authorized processors), same as
>   http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate_pg_org/

We now have a USA ePay API key for Debian!

Brian recruited me to help out with this issue, we discussed the
approach at length on IRC and I spent a few hours tweaking and came up
with the attached replacement page (HTML and WML), online version:


It is inspired by a combination of these donation pages:


It uses these principles:

      * One up-front donation method that is relatively easy
      * A table of options for other donation types, listing the details
        so people can choose the method that works for them.

I tried to prepare a form similar to USA ePay for Click & Pledge but
they seem to have some sort of security system in place preventing that,
you can uncomment the form in the HTML to check it out.

The list of organisations is incomplete but it is fairly easy to add
more (commented out templates are in the WML).

I mentioned crypto-currencies in the Debian section but made it vague
because I am not aware of the current status (hi Martin!).

The equipment section could also use some input by DSA and the DebConf
video team I think. Once the new page is online I can contact them.



#use wml::debian::template title="Donations"

Donations are managed by the
<a href="$(HOME)/devel/leader">Debian Project Leader</a> (DPL)
and allow Debian to have 
<a href="https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi";>machines</a>,
<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA/non-DSA-HW";>other hardware</a>,
domains, SSL certificates,
<a href="http://www.debconf.org";>the Debian conference</a>,
<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/MiniDebConf";>Debian mini-conferences</a>,
<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints";>development sprints</a>,
presence at other events
and other things.
Thanks to all of our <a href="#donors">donors</a> for supporting Debian!

<p id="spi-usa-epay">
The easiest method of donating to Debian is by credit/debit card via USA ePay
to <a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/"; title="SPI">Software in the Public Interest</a>,
a non-profit organization that holds assets in trust for Debian.
You can also donate via the <a href="#other">other methods listed below</a>.

<form method="post" action="https://www.usaepay.com/interface/epayform/";>
  <span>$<input type="text" placeholder="10" name="UMamount" size="6"> USD, paid once only</span>
  <input name="UMdescription" value="Debian general contribution" type="hidden">
  <input name="UMkey" value="ijWB0O98meGpX0LrCP0eb1Y94sI1Dl67" type="hidden"> 
  <input name="UMcommand" value="sale" type="hidden" />
  <input type="submit" tabindex="2" value="Donate" />

<h2 id="other">Other methods</h2>

Various <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor/Organizations";>organisations</a>
hold assets in trust for Debian and recieve donations on Debian's behalf. 

<td><a href="#spi"><acronym title="Software in the Public Interest">SPI</acronym></a></td>
 <a href="#spi-usa-epay">USA ePay</a>,
 <a href="#spi-click-n-pledge">Click & Pledge</a> (recurring donations),
 <a href="#spi-cheque">cheque</a> (USD/CAD),
 <a href="#spi-other">other</a>
<td>USA, tax-except non-profit</td>
<td><a href="#ffis"><acronym title="Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen & Software">FFIS</acronym></a></td>
 <a href="#ffis-bank">wire transfer</a>
<td>Germany, tax-exempt non-profit</td>
<td><a href="#debian">Debian</a></td>
 <a href="#debian-equipment">equipment</a>,
 <a href="#debian-time">time</a>,
 <a href="#debian-other">other</a>
<td><a href="#"><acronym title=""></acronym></a></td>
 <a href="#"></a>,
 <a href="#"></a> (allows recurring donations),
 <a href="#cheque"></a> (CUR)
<td>, tax-exempt non-profit</td>

<h3 id="spi">Software in the Public Interest</h3>

<a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/"; title="SPI">Software in the Public Interest, Inc.</a>
is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation based in the United States of America,
founded by Debian people in 1997 to help free software/hardware organisations.

<h4 id="spi-click-n-pledge">Click &amp; Pledge</h2>

Single and recurring donations can be made via 
<a href="https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=34115";>the SPI page</a>
on the Click &amp; Pledge website.
To make a recurring donation,
choose how often you would like to donate on the right,
scroll down to "Debian Project Donation",
enter the amount you would like to donate,
click on the "Add to cart" item and
go through the rest of the process.

Unfortunately this isn't possible to do yet:
<form method="post" action="https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=34115";>
<input name="ScriptManager1" value="UpdatePanel1|btnDAddToCart_dnt_33979" type="hidden">
$<input name="DAmount_33979" size="6" id="DAmount_33979" type="text"> USD, paid
<select name="cboxRecurring" id="cboxRecurring">
  <option value="-1">once only</option>
  <option value="0">weekly</option>
  <option value="1">fortnightly</option>
  <option value="2">monthly</option>
  <option value="3">every 2 months</option>
  <option value="4">quarterly</option>
  <option value="5">bi-annually</option>
  <option value="6">annually</option>
<input type="submit" name="btnDAddToCart_dnt_33977" id="btnDAddToCart_dnt_33977" value="Donate"/>

<h4 id="spi-cheque">Cheque</h2>

Donations can be made via cheque or money order in 
<abbrev title="US dollars">USD</abbrev> and
<abbrev title="Canadian dollars">CAD</abbrev>.
Please put Debian in the memo field and send to SPI at the address listed
on the <a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/donations/";>SPI donations page</a>.

<h4 id="spi-other">Other</h2>

Donations via wire transfer and PayPal are also available.
For some parts of the world it may be easier to make the donation to
one of the partner organizations of Software in the Public Interest.
For more details, please visit the
<a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/donations/";>SPI donations page</a>.

<h3 id="ffis">Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen & Software</h3>

The <a href="http://www.ffis.de/"; title="ffis e.V.">Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen & Software</a>
is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation based in Germany,
founded to help free software organisations.

<h4 id="ffis-bank">Wire transfer</h4>

Donations via wire transfer are available to the bank account listed on the
<a href="http://www.ffis.de/Verein/spi-en.html";>FFIS donations page</a>.
Please mention that the donation is for Debian.

<h3 id=""></h3>


<h4 id=""></h4>


<h3 id="debian">Debian</h2>

Debian is able to accept direct <a href="#debian-equipment">equipment</a>
donations but not <a href="#debian-other">other</a> donations at this time.

<a name="equipment_donations"/>
<h4 id="debian-equipment">Equipment and services</h2>

Debian also relies on the donation of equipment and services from individuals,
companies, universities etc to keep Debian connected to the world.</p>

<p>If your company has any idle machines or spare equipment (hard drives, SCSI
controllers, network cards, etc) lying around, please consider donating them to
Debian. Please contact our
<a href="mailto:hardware-donati...@debian.org">hardware donations delegate</a>
for details.</p>

<p>Debian maintains a <a href="misc/hardware_wanted">list of hardware that is wanted</a> for various
services and groups within the project.</p>

<h4 id="debian-time">Time</h2>

There are many ways to <a href="$(HOME)/intro/help">help Debian</a>
using your personal or work time.

<h4 id="debian-other">Other</h2>

Debian is not able to accept any cryptocurrencies at this time but
we are looking into being able to support this method of donation.

<h2 id="donors">Donors</h2>

<p>The following are lists of organizations that have made donations of
equipment or services to Debian:</p>

  <li><a href="https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi";>hosting and hardware sponsors</a></li>
  <li><a href="mirror/official_sponsors">official mirror sponsors</a></li>
  <li><a href="partners/">development and service partners</a></li>
Title: Debian -- Donations


Donations are managed by the Debian Project Leader (DPL) and allow Debian to have machines, other hardware, domains, SSL certificates, the Debian conference, Debian mini-conferences, development sprints, presence at other events and other things. Thanks to all of our donors for supporting Debian!

The easiest method of donating to Debian is by credit/debit card via USA ePay to Software in the Public Interest, a non-profit organization that holds assets in trust for Debian. You can also donate via the other methods listed below.

$ USD, paid once only

Other methods

Various organisations hold assets in trust for Debian and recieve donations on Debian's behalf.

Organisation Methods Notes
SPI USA ePay, Click & Pledge (recurring donations), cheque (USD/CAD), other USA, tax-except non-profit
FFIS wire transfer Germany, tax-exempt non-profit
Debian equipment, time, other

Software in the Public Interest

Software in the Public Interest, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation based in the United States of America, founded by Debian people in 1997 to help free software/hardware organisations.

Click & Pledge

Single and recurring donations can be made via the SPI page on the Click & Pledge website. To make a recurring donation, choose how often you would like to donate on the right, scroll down to "Debian Project Donation", enter the amount you would like to donate, click on the "Add to cart" item and go through the rest of the process.


Donations can be made via cheque or money order in USD and CAD. Please put Debian in the memo field and send to SPI at the address listed on the SPI donations page.


Donations via wire transfer and PayPal are also available. For some parts of the world it may be easier to make the donation to one of the partner organizations of Software in the Public Interest. For more details, please visit the SPI donations page.

Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen & Software

The Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen & Software is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation based in Germany, founded to help free software organisations.

Wire transfer

Donations via wire transfer are available to the bank account listed on the FFIS donations page. Please mention that the donation is for Debian.


Debian is able to accept direct equipment donations but not other donations at this time.

Equipment and services

Debian also relies on the donation of equipment and services from individuals, companies, universities etc to keep Debian connected to the world.

If your company has any idle machines or spare equipment (hard drives, SCSI controllers, network cards, etc) lying around, please consider donating them to Debian. Please contact our hardware donations delegate for details.

Debian maintains a list of hardware that is wanted for various services and groups within the project.


There are many ways to help Debian using your personal or work time.


Debian is not able to accept any cryptocurrencies at this time but we are looking into being able to support this method of donation.


The following are lists of organizations that have made donations of equipment or services to Debian:

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