Package: usbmount
Followup-For: Bug #377548


Frédéric's reply to this bugreport warmed my heart and I was inspired to
do what I promised Rogério a couple of years ago: solve all of
usbmount's problems.  ;)

While Frédéric's approach is outstandingly creative, I think we can
address #377548 and #403209 simply by switching to another locking
approach.  I replaced all calls to utilities from 'lockfile-progs' by
one to flock(1), thereby gaining:

  1) Even less dependencies (and LOC);
     flock comes from the essential package 'util-linux'.

  2) A snappy locking implementation that doesn't wait in increments of
     5, 10, 15, ... seconds like lockfile-* does.  (WTF!)

I tested with a pen drive that has 20 partitions, different file systems
and I consistently mount all of 'em under 4 seconds.

I have a bugfix-branch of upstream,

which contains only the necessary changes (almost: I also handle the
/var/run -> /run transition because it's the same code region).

(Don't forget: There's another one for #658028!)


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