Package: pingus
Version: 0.7.6-2
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch l10n

Pingus contains several de.po. I completed them and they were 
reviewed on debian-l10n-german.

Please find the German translation for attached. The path is encoded
in the name.

Please place this file in the appropriate path as de.po for your next upload.

If those po files get updates please contact me so that I can update
the translations as well.


      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann           
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre":
# Translation of pingus_external_tinygettext_test to German
# Copyright David Philippi <>, 2009.
# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <>, 2014.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pingus package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pingus\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-04-09 18:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-08 21:16+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: David Philippi <>\n"
"Language-Team: David Philippi <>, Ingo Ruhnke 
<>, Giray Devlet <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Latin1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "umlaut"
msgstr "ÄÖÜäöüß"

#: src/actions/bridger.cxx:48 src/actions/bridger.cxx:232
#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:40
msgid "Bridger"
msgstr "Bridger"

#: src/config.cxx:73
msgid "Couldn't open: "
msgstr "Datei oder Verzeichnis konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden: "

#: src/config.cxx:172
msgid "Unexpected char: '"
msgstr "Unerwartetes Zeichen: '"

#: src/config.cxx:206
msgid "Unexpected char '"
msgstr "Unerwartetes Zeichen: '"

#: src/credits.cxx:48
msgid "-Idea"
msgstr "-Idee"

#: src/credits.cxx:52
msgid "-Maintaining"
msgstr "-Verwaltung"

#: src/credits.cxx:56
msgid "-Programming"
msgstr "-Programmierung"

#: src/credits.cxx:62
msgid "-Porting (Win32)"
msgstr "-Portierung (Win32)"

#: src/credits.cxx:70
msgid "-Gfx"
msgstr "-Grafiken"

#: src/credits.cxx:82
msgid "-Music"
msgstr "-Musik"

#: src/credits.cxx:88
msgid "-Level Design"
msgstr "-Level-Design"

#: src/credits.cxx:93
msgid "-Story"
msgstr "-Geschichte"

#: src/credits.cxx:97
msgid "-Translation"
msgstr "-�bersetzung"

#: src/credits.cxx:112
msgid "-Special"
msgstr "-Besonderen"

#: src/credits.cxx:113
msgid "-Thanks to"
msgstr "-Dank an"

#: src/credits.cxx:154
msgid "_And a very Special Thanks"
msgstr "_Und einen besonderen Dank"

#: src/credits.cxx:155
msgid "_to all the people who"
msgstr "_an alle Leute die"

#: src/credits.cxx:156
msgid "_contribute to"
msgstr "_an Freier Software"

#: src/credits.cxx:157
msgid "_Free Software!"
msgstr "_mitarbeiten!"

#: src/credits.cxx:163
msgid "_Thank you for"
msgstr "_Dankesch�n f�rs"

#: src/credits.cxx:164
msgid "_playing!"
msgstr "_spielen!"

#: src/editor/editor_event.cxx:588
msgid "Enter filename to save as:"
msgstr "Datei speichern als:  "

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:43
msgid "Editor Helpscreen (hide with F1)"
msgstr "Editor-Hilfe (ausblenden mit F1)"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:51
msgid "F1 - show/hide this help screen"
msgstr "F1 - Hilfe anzeigen/verstecken"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:52
msgid "F2 - launch level building tutorial"
msgstr "F2 - Starte Level-Bau-Tutorial"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:53
msgid "F3 - toggle background color"
msgstr "F3 - Hintergrundfarbe �ndern"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:54
msgid "F4 - play/test the level"
msgstr "F4 - Level starten/testen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:55
msgid "F5 - load a level"
msgstr "Level laden (F5)"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:56
msgid "F6 - save this level"
msgstr "Level speichern (F6)"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:57
msgid "F7 - [unset]"
msgstr "F7 - [nicht belegt]"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:58
msgid "F8 - quick save/backup save?!"
msgstr "F8 - Schnellspeichern/Backup"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:59
msgid "F9 - change level width and height"
msgstr "F9 - Level-H�he und -Breite �ndern"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:60
msgid "F10 - [unset]"
msgstr "F10 - [nicht belegt]"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:61
msgid "F11 - toggle fps counter"
msgstr "F11 - fps-Z�hler an/aus"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:62
msgid "F12 - make screenshot"
msgstr "F12 - Bildschirmphoto erstellen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:66
msgid "Home - increase object size"
msgstr "Einfg - Objekt vergr��ern"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:67
msgid "End  - decrease object size"
msgstr "Ende - Objekt verkleinern"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:68
msgid "Cursor Keys - Move object"
msgstr "Cursor-Tasten - Objekt bewegen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:69
msgid "Shift 'Cursor Keys' - Move objects fast "
msgstr "Umschalt Cursor-Tasten - Objekt schneller bewegen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:70
msgid "PageUp   - level object up"
msgstr "Bild rauf - Objekt nach oben"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:71
msgid "PageDown - level object down"
msgstr "Bild runter - Objekt nach unten"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:72
msgid "Shift PageUp   - increase objects z-pos by 50"
msgstr "Umschalt Bild rauf - z-pos des Objekts um 50 erh�hen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:73
msgid "Shift PageDown - decrease objects z-pos by 50"
msgstr "Umschalt Bild runter - z-pos des Objekts um 50 senken"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:74
msgid "Enter - Set default zoom (1:1)"
msgstr "Eingabe - setze Standard-Zoom (1:1)"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:75
msgid "d - duplicate object"
msgstr "d - Objekt kopieren"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:76
msgid "a - mark all objects"
msgstr "a - alle Objekte markieren"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:77
msgid "shift leftmouseclick - add object to selection"
msgstr "Umschalt + linke Maustaste - Objekt zur Auswahl hinzuf�gen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:78
msgid "leftmouseclick - select object"
msgstr "linke Maustaste - Objekt ausw�hlen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:79
msgid "Insert - insert new object"
msgstr "Einf�gen - neues Objekt einf�gen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:80
msgid "Remove - remove selected object"
msgstr "Entfernen - ausgew�hltes Objekt entfernen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:81
msgid "g - ungroup/group current selection"
msgstr "g - Auswahl gruppieren / Gruppierung aufheben"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:82
msgid "Ctrl PageUp   - increase objects z-pos by 1"
msgstr "Strg Bild rauf - z-pos des Objekts um 1 erh�hen"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:83
msgid "Ctrl PageDown - decrease objects z-pos by 1"
msgstr "Strg Bild runter - z-pos des Objekts um 1 senken"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:89
msgid "Naming Convention: <LEVELNAME><NUMBER>-<CREATOR>.plf"
msgstr "Dateinamensvorgabe: <LEVELNAME><NUMMER>-<AUTOR>.pfl"

#: src/editor/editor_help_screen.cxx:91
msgid ""
"When you have created a level and want to have it in the next Pingus "
"please mail it to"
msgstr ""
"Falls Du einen Level erstellt hast und ihn gerne im n�chsten Pingus-\n"
"Release h�ttest, schicke ihn an"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:106
msgid "1 - guillotine"
msgstr "1 - Guillotine"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:107
msgid "2 - hammer"
msgstr "2 - Hammer"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:108
msgid "3 - spike"
msgstr "3 - Stacheln"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:109
msgid "4 - laser_exit"
msgstr "4 - Laser-Ausgang"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:110
msgid "5 - fake_exit"
msgstr "5 - T�uschausgang"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:111
msgid "6 - smasher"
msgstr "6 - Stampfer"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:112
msgid "7 - bumper"
msgstr "7 - Sto�er"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:186
msgid "Select a WorldObj"
msgstr "W�hle ein WeltObjekt"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:187
msgid "1 - teleporter"
msgstr "1 - Teleporter"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:188
msgid "2 - switch and door"
msgstr "2 - Schalter und T�r"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:189
msgid "3 - ConveyorBelt"
msgstr "3 - F�rderband"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:190
msgid "4 - IceBlock"
msgstr "4 - Eisblock"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:191
msgid "5 - InfoBox"
msgstr "5 - InfoBox"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:232
msgid "Select a weather"
msgstr "W�hle ein Wetter"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:233
msgid "1 - snow"
msgstr "1 - Schnee"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:234
msgid "2 - rain"
msgstr "2 - Regen"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:265
msgid "Select an entrance"
msgstr "W�hle einen Eingang"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:266
msgid "1 - generic"
msgstr "1 - allgemein"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:267
msgid "2 - woodthing"
msgstr "2 - h�lzern"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:268
msgid "3 - cloud"
msgstr "3 - Wolke"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:269
msgid "h - entrance surface (hotspot)"
msgstr "h - Eingangsgrafik (hotspot)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:343
msgid "What object type do you want?"
msgstr "Was f�r ein Objekt willst Du?"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:344 src/editor/object_selector.cxx:400
msgid "h - Hotspot"
msgstr "h - Grafikelement (hotspot)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:345
msgid "g - Groundpiece (ground) [not implemented]"
msgstr "g - Bodenst�ck (ground) [nicht implementiert]"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:394 src/editor/object_selector.cxx:562
msgid "Which object do you want?"
msgstr "Welches Objekt willst Du?"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:395
msgid "g - Groundpiece (ground)"
msgstr "g - Bodenst�ck (ground)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:396
msgid "s - Groundpiece (solid)"
msgstr "s - Bodenelement (Stahl)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:397
msgid "b - Groundpiece (bridge)"
msgstr "b - Bodenelement (Br�cke)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:398
msgid "n - Groundpiece (transparent)"
msgstr "n - Bodenelement (transparent)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:399
msgid "r - Groundpiece (remove)"
msgstr "r - Bodenelement (entfernen)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:401
msgid "e - Entrance"
msgstr "e - Eingang"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:402
msgid "x - Exit"
msgstr "x - Ausgang"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:403
msgid "l - Liquid"
msgstr "l - Fl�ssigkeit"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:404
msgid "w - Weather"
msgstr "w - Wetter"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:405
msgid "t - Traps"
msgstr "t - Falle"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:406
msgid "o - WorldObject"
msgstr "o - WeltObjekt"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:407
msgid "z - Background"
msgstr "z - Hintergrund"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:408
msgid "p - Prefab (ObjectGroup)"
msgstr "p - Prefab (Objektgruppe)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:409
msgid "f - something from file (~/.pingus/images/)"
msgstr "f - etwas aus einer Datei (~/.pingus/images/)"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:498
msgid "Which prefab do you want?"
msgstr "Welche Prefab willst Du?"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:563
msgid "1 - Surface Background"
msgstr "1 - Bildhintergrund"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:564
msgid "2 - Solid Color Background"
msgstr "2 - Farbhintergrund"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:565
msgid "3 - Starfield Background"
msgstr "3 - Sterne-Hintergrund"

#: src/editor/object_selector.cxx:566
msgid "4 - Thunderstorm Background"
msgstr "4 - Gewitter-Hintergrund"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:33
msgid "Load a level (F5)"
msgstr "Level laden (F5)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:46
msgid "Exit the editor (Escape)"
msgstr "Editor beenden (Esc)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:58
msgid "Save this level (F6)"
msgstr "Level speichern (F6)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:70
msgid "Delete marked objects (delete)"
msgstr "Markierte Objekte l�schen (Entfernen)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:82
msgid "Duplicate current object (d)"
msgstr "Aktuelles Object kopieren (d)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:94
msgid "Edit Level Properties"
msgstr "Level-Eigenschaften �ndern"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:106
msgid "Edit Object Properties"
msgstr "Objekteigenschaften �ndern"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:118
msgid "Start the level and test it (F4)"
msgstr "Level starten und testen (F4)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:130
msgid "Create a new level from scratch"
msgstr "Neuen Level erstellen"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:142
msgid "Insert an object (Insert)"
msgstr "Objekt einf�gen (Einfg)"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:154
msgid "Zoom into a region"
msgstr "Einen Bereich vergr��ern"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:166
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "Vergr�ssern"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:179
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "Verkleinern"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:192
msgid "Setup Number of Actions"
msgstr "Stelle die Anzahl der F�higkeiten ein"

#: src/editor/panel_icons.cxx:204
msgid "Display Help Screen (F1)"
msgstr "Hilfe anzeigen (F1)"

#: src/exit_menu.cxx:48
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: src/exit_menu.cxx:81
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"

#: src/exit_menu.cxx:114
msgid "Exit Pingus?"
msgstr "Pingus beenden?"

#: src/fps_counter.cxx:48
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "unbekannt"

#: src/game_time.cxx:70
msgid "unlimited"
msgstr "unbegrenzt"

#: src/level_desc.cxx:74
msgid "Designed by "
msgstr "Erstellt von "

#: src/level_desc.cxx:79
#, c-format
msgid "Pingus to Save: %d"
msgstr "Zu rettende Pingus: %d"

#: src/level_desc.cxx:81
#, c-format
msgid "Number of Pingus: %d"
msgstr "Anzahl an Pingus: %d"

#: src/level_desc.cxx:86
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ladevorgang l�uft..."

#: src/level_desc.cxx:89
msgid "Loading finished. Press a mouse button to start the level"
msgstr ""
"Ladevorgang abgeschlossen. Dr�cke eine Maustaste, um den Level zu starten"

#: src/level_result.cxx:61
msgid "Results:"
msgstr "Ergebnisse:"

#: src/level_result.cxx:67
#, c-format
msgid "Pingus saved:   %3d/%3d"
msgstr "Gerettete Pingus: %3d/%3d"

#: src/level_result.cxx:72
#, c-format
msgid "Pingus died:  %3d/%3d"
msgstr "Tote Pingus: %3d/%3d"

#: src/level_result.cxx:88
msgid "Press button to continue..."
msgstr "Knopf dr�cken, um fortzufahren"

#: src/level_result.cxx:102
msgid ""
"As many Pingus escaped as entered the level. That's going to be hard to "
"beat.... unless this game becomes pornographic."
msgstr ""
"Es wurden alle Pingus dieses Levels gerettet. Das wird hart zu schlagen "
"sein... es sei denn, dieses Spiel wird pornographisch."

#: src/level_result.cxx:104
msgid "Very impressive indeed."
msgstr "In der Tat sehr eindrucksvoll."

#: src/level_result.cxx:106
msgid "Good work. Still room for improvement though."
msgstr "Gute Arbeit. Aber �bung macht den Meiser!"

#: src/level_result.cxx:108
msgid "Not too shabby, not too shabby at all."
msgstr "Nicht schlecht, nicht schlecht!"

#: src/level_result.cxx:110
msgid ""
"That was OK, but Pingu life insurance premiums have just gotten more "
msgstr ""
"Das war ok, aber die Lebensversicherungspr�mien f�r Pingus sind gerade "

#: src/level_result.cxx:112
msgid "Maybe this level calls for a different strategy."
msgstr "M�glicherweise verlangt dieser Level eine andere Strategie."

#: src/level_result.cxx:114
msgid "Exactly half. Are you saving only the female ones?"
msgstr "Genau die H�lfte! Rettest Du nur die Weibchen?"

#: src/level_result.cxx:116
msgid "If I were a Pingu, I never would have left that entrance."
msgstr "Wenn ich ein Pingu w�re, h�tte ich den Eingang nie verlassen."

#: src/level_result.cxx:118
msgid "Maybe you would feel more at home playing Quake."
msgstr "M�glicherweise w�re es besser, Quake zu spielen?"

#: src/level_result.cxx:120
msgid ""
"Maybe this level calls for a different strategy. Like attempting to save "
"them, for example."
msgstr ""
"Es kann sein, dass wir etwas anderes versuchen sollten. Vielleicht k�nnten "
"wir ja die Pingus retten?"

#: src/level_result.cxx:122
msgid "Ever considered a career as a Pingu exterminator?"
msgstr "Hast du mal �ber eine Karriere als Pingu-Zerst�rer nachgedacht?"

#: src/level_result.cxx:124
msgid "You missed one! What's your excuse!?"
msgstr "Du hast einen vergessen! Was ist Deine Entschuldigung?"

#: src/level_result.cxx:126
msgid "Please reassure me that you hit the Armageddon button."
msgstr "Best�tige mir bitte, dass das die Armageddon-Taste war."

#: src/level_result.cxx:128
msgid "You've got a negative save/total value, something is buggy."
msgstr "Ein negativer Wert? Hier liegt ein Fehler vor."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:181
msgid "..:: The people who brought this game to you ::.."
msgstr "..:: Die Leute, die f�r dieses Spiel verantwortlich sind... ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:184
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Mitwirkende"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:216
msgid "..:: Takes you to the options menu ::.."
msgstr "..:: Bringt Dich zum Optionen-Men� ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:219
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:252
msgid "..:: Bye, bye ::.."
msgstr "..:: Auf Wiedersehen ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:255
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Beenden"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:306
msgid "..:: Launch the level editor ::.."
msgstr "..:: Erstelle Deinen eigenen Level ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:309
msgid "Create a"
msgstr "Bau einen"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:310
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Level"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:344
msgid "..:: Start the game ::.."
msgstr "..:: das Spiel starten ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:345
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Start"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:375
msgid "..:: Start a contrib level ::.."
msgstr "..:: Contrib Level spielen ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:377
msgid "Contrib"
msgstr "Contrib"

#: src/menu_button.cxx:399
msgid "..:: Multiplayer Modes... experimental stuff ::.."
msgstr "..:: Mehrspieler-Modus ::.. experimentelles Zeug ::.."

#: src/menu_button.cxx:401
msgid "Multi"
msgstr "Multi"

# FIXME: �bersetzung fehlt?
#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:35
msgid "Angel"
msgstr "Angel"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:36
msgid "Basher"
msgstr "Basher"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:37
msgid "Blocker"
msgstr "Blocker"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:38
msgid "Boarder"
msgstr "Boarder"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:39
msgid "Bomber"
msgstr "Bomber"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:41
msgid "Climber"
msgstr "Climber"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:42
msgid "Digger"
msgstr "Digger"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:43
msgid "Drown"
msgstr "Drown"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:44
msgid "Exiter"
msgstr "Exiter"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:45
msgid "Faller"
msgstr "Faller"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:46
msgid "Floater"
msgstr "Floater"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:47
msgid "Jumper"
msgstr "Jumper"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:48
msgid "Laserkill"
msgstr "Laserkill"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:49
msgid "Miner"
msgstr "Miner"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:50
msgid "Rocketlauncher"
msgstr "Rocketlauncher"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:51
msgid "Slider"
msgstr "Slider"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:52
msgid "Smashed"
msgstr "Smashed"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:53
msgid "Splashed"
msgstr "Splashed"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:54
msgid "Superman"
msgstr "Superman"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:55
msgid "Teleported"
msgstr "Teleported"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:56
msgid "Waiter"
msgstr "Waiter"

#: src/pingu_enums.cxx:57
msgid "Walker"
msgstr "Walker"

#: src/pingus_counter.cxx:52
#, c-format
msgid "Released:%3d/%-3d   Out:%3d   Saved:%3d/%-3d"
msgstr "Rein: %3d/%-3d  Raus: %3d Gerettet: %3d/%-3d"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:90
msgid "| segfault_handler: catched a SIGSEGV."
msgstr "| segfault_handler: SIGSEGV abgefangen."

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:92
msgid "| Woops, Pingus just crashed, congratulations you've found a bug."
msgstr ""
"| Woops, Pingus ist abgest�rzt. Gratuliere, Du hast einen Bug gefunden."

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:93
msgid ""
"| Please write a little bug report to <>, include informations"
msgstr ""
"| Bitte schreibe einen kleinen Fehlerbericht an <>, mit "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:94
msgid "| where exacly the SIGSEGV occured and how to reproduce it."
msgstr "| wo genau der SIGSEGV auftrat und wie man ihn reproduziert."

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:95
msgid "| Also try include a backtrace, you can get it like this:"
msgstr "| Versuche auch, einen Backtrace zu erstellen, Du bekommst ihn so:"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:101
msgid "| If that doesn't work, try this:"
msgstr "| Wenn das nicht geht, versuche dies:"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:105
msgid "| [play until it crashes again]"
msgstr "| [spiele bis es wieder abst�rzt]"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:113
msgid "| Warning: Pingus recieved a SIGINT, exiting now."
msgstr "| Warnung: Pingus erhielt einen SIGINT, beende jetzt."

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:301
msgid "Warning: Larger resolution than 800x600 will result in visual problems"
msgstr ""
"Warnung: Aufl�sungen gr��er als 800x600 k�nnen zu visuellen Problemen f�hren"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:488
msgid "Unknow char: "
msgstr "Unbekannter Buchstabe: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:489
msgid "Usage: "
msgstr "Benutzung: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:489
msgid " [OPTIONS]... [LEVELFILE]"
msgstr " [OPTIONEN]... [LEVELDATEI]"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:492
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Einstellungen:"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:494
msgid "Set the resolution for pingus (default: 800x600)"
msgstr "Setze die Aufl�sung f�r Pingus (Standard: 800x600)"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:495
msgid "Displays this help"
msgstr "Diese Hilfe anzeigen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:496
msgid "Disable intro"
msgstr "Intro abschalten"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:497
msgid "Use OpenGL"
msgstr "OpenGL benutzen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:499
msgid "Start in Window Mode"
msgstr "Pingus im Fenster starten"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:500
msgid "Start in Fullscreen"
msgstr "Pingus im Vollbild starten"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:504
msgid "FILE      "
msgstr "Datei     "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:504
msgid "Load a custom level from FILE"
msgstr "Einen Level aus DATEI laden"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:505
msgid "FILE        "
msgstr "Datei      "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:505
msgid "Load a custom worldmap from FILE"
msgstr "Eine Weltkarte aus DATEI laden"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:506
msgid "Print some more messages to stdout, can be set"
msgstr "Gibt mehr Nachrichten auf Stdout aus, kann"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:507
msgid "multiple times to increase verbosity"
msgstr "mehrmals gesetzt werden, um die Genauigkeit zu erh�hen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:508
msgid "Prints version number and exit"
msgstr "Version ausgeben und beenden"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:509
msgid "Launch the Level editor (experimental)"
msgstr "Level-Editor starten (Experimentell)"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:510
msgid "Disable automatic scrolling"
msgstr "Automatisches Scrollen abschalten"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:512
msgid "Enable software cursor"
msgstr "Aktiviere Software-Cursor"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:515
msgid "Don't read ~/.pingus/config"
msgstr "~/.pingus/config nicht einlesen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:516
msgid "FILE       "
msgstr "Datei      "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:516
msgid "Read config from FILE (default: ~/.pingus/config)"
msgstr "Konfiguration aus DATEI lesen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:517
msgid "reduce CPU usage, might speed up the game on slower machines"
msgstr ""
"reduziere CPU-Belastung, k�nnte das Spiel auf langsamen Rechnern "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:518
msgid "Uses the controller given in FILE"
msgstr "Controller aus FILE benutzen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:520
msgid "Debugging and experimental stuff:"
msgstr "Debug- und experimentelles Zeug"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:521
msgid "Enables some features, only interesting programmers"
msgstr "Aktiviere einige Funktionen, nur f�r Programmierer"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:522
msgid "Enable the output of debugging infos, possible"
msgstr "Aktiviere die Ausgabe von Debug-Informationen, m�gliche"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:523
msgid "OPTION's are tiles, gametime, actions, sound, resources, gui,"
msgstr "Optionen sind tiles, gametime, actions, sound, resources, gui,"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:525
msgid "Skip at least N frames, larger values speed the game up"
msgstr ""
"�berspringe mindestens N Bilder, gr��ere Werte erh�hen die Geschwindigkeit"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:526
msgid "Skip at most N frames"
msgstr "�berspringe maximal N Bilder"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:527
msgid "Set both min and max frameskip to N"
msgstr "Setze sowohl minimalen als auch maximalen Bildsprung auf N"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:528
msgid "Set the game speed (0=fastest, >0=slower)"
msgstr "Setze die Geschwindigkeit (0=schnellste, >0=langsamer)"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:529
msgid "Prints the fps to stdout"
msgstr "Schreibe die fps auf Stdout"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:530
msgid "Set the size of the map tiles (default: 32)"
msgstr "Setze die Gr��e der Kartenteile (Standard: 32)"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:531
msgid "Disable some cpu intensive features"
msgstr "Deaktivere einige CPU-intensive Funktionen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:532
msgid "Reduces the CPU usage by issuing sleep()"
msgstr "Reduziert die CPU-Belastung durch Verwendung von sleep()"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:534
msgid "Demo playing and recording:"
msgstr "Demoaufzeichnung und -wiedergabe:"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:535
msgid "FILE     "
msgstr "Datei    "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:535
msgid "Plays a demo session from FILE"
msgstr "Spielt eine Demo-Sitzung aus FILE"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:537
msgid "Record demos for each played level"
msgstr "Nehme Demos f�r jeden gespielten Level auf"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:539
msgid "Sound:"
msgstr "Sound"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:540
msgid "Disable sound"
msgstr "Sound deaktivieren"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:541
msgid "Disable music"
msgstr "Musik deaktivieren"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:720
msgid "clanVorbis support:           ok"
msgstr "clanVorbis-Unterst�tzung:    ok"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:722
msgid "clanVoribs support:  missing (.ogg music files will not be playable)"
msgstr ""
"clanVorbis-Unterst�tzung: fehlt (.ogg-Musik-Dateien k�nnen nicht abgespielt "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:726
msgid "clanMikMod support:           ok"
msgstr "clanMikMod-Unterst�tzung:    ok"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:728
msgid "clanMikMod support:  missing (music files will not be playable)"
msgstr ""
"clanMikMod-Unterst�tzung: fehlt (Musikdateien k�nnen nicht abgespielt werden)"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:732
msgid "getext support:               ok"
msgstr "gettext-Unterst�tzung:       ok"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:733
msgid "gettext language:        english"
msgstr "gettext-Sprache:        deutsch"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:739
msgid "sound support:           enabled"
msgstr "Sound-Unterst�tzung:         an"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:741
msgid "sound support:          disabled"
msgstr "Sound-Unterst�tzung:        aus"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:744
msgid "music support:           enabled"
msgstr "Musikunterst�tzung:          an"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:746
msgid "music support:          disabled"
msgstr "Musikunterst�tzung:         aus"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:748
msgid "resolution set to:       "
msgstr "Aufl�sung:              "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:749
msgid "fullscreen:              "
msgstr "Vollbild:           "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:750
msgid " enabled"
msgstr "aktiviert"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:750
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "deaktiviert"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:751
msgid "reenabled"
msgstr "wieder aktiviert"
# Translation of pingus_external_tinygettext_test_level to German
# Copyright Ingo Ruhnke <>, 2011.
# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <>, 2014.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pingus package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pingus\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-30 08:01+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-27 18:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ingo Ruhnke <>\n"
"Language-Team: de <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-10-20 15:41+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14165)\n"

#: helloworld.cpp:7
msgid "Short Hello World"
msgstr "kurzes Hallo Welt"

#: helloworld.cpp:8 helloworld.cpp:14
msgid "Hello World"
msgid_plural "Hello Worlds"
msgstr[0] "Hallo Welt"
msgstr[1] "Hallo Welten"

#: helloworld.cpp:10 helloworld.cpp:16
msgctxt ""
msgid "Hello World"
msgid_plural "Hello Worlds"
msgstr[0] "Hallo Welt"
msgstr[1] "Hallo Welten"

#: helloworld.cpp:11 helloworld.cpp:17
msgctxt "console"
msgid "Hello World"
msgid_plural "Hello Worlds"
msgstr[0] "Hallo Welt (singular) in der Console"
msgstr[1] "Hallo Welt (plural) in der Console"

#: helloworld.cpp:13
msgid "gui"
msgid_plural "Hello World"
msgstr[0] "Hallo Welt (singular)"
msgstr[1] "Hallo Welt (plural)"

#: helloworld.cpp:18
msgctxt "gui"
msgid "Hello World"
msgid_plural "Hello Worlds"
msgstr[0] "Hallo Welt (singular) in der GUI"
msgstr[1] "Hallo Welt (plurs) in der GUI"
# Translation of pingus_external_tinygettext_test_level to German
# Copyright Unknown
# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <>, 2009.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pingus package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pingus\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 1970-01-01 00:00+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-08 21:20+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Helge Kreutzmann <>\n"
"Language-Team: de <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Latin1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:760
msgid "PingusMain: Starting Main: "
msgstr "PingusMain: Hauptteil wird gestartet: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:805
msgid "PingusMain: Levelfile not found, ignoring: "
msgstr "PingusMain: Leveldatei nicht gefunden, Fehler wird ignoriert: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:909
msgid "Error caught from ClanLib: "
msgstr "ClanLib Fehler abgefangen: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:913
msgid "Error caught from Pingus: "
msgstr "Pingus-Fehler wurde abgefangen: "

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:917
msgid "Pingus: Out of memory!"
msgstr "Pingus: Speicher ist ausgegangen"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:921
msgid "Pingus: Standard exception caught!:\n"
msgstr "Pingus: Standard-Ausnahme abgefangen!:\n"

#: src/pingus_main.cxx:925
msgid "Pingus: Unknown throw caught!"
msgstr "Pingus: Unbekannte Ausnahme abgefangen!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:99 src/start_screen.cxx:111
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abbruch"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:167
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Versuche erneut"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:175
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Erfolg!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:182
msgid "Failure!"
msgstr "Fehler!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:191
msgid "Perfect! You saved everyone possible - great!"
msgstr "Perfekt! Du hast alle gerettet!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:193
msgid "No-one got killed, pretty good work."
msgstr "Keiner wurde get�tet, sehr gute Arbeit."

#: src/result_screen.cxx:195
msgid ""
"You saved exactly what you needed - you made it, but\n"
"maybe you can do better?"
msgstr ""
"Du hast so viele gerettet wie n�tig. Du hast es\n"
"geschafft, aber vielleicht kannst Du es noch besser?"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:198
msgid "Not everybody was saved, but still good work!"
msgstr "Nicht alle wurden gerettet, aber trotzdem noch gute Arbeit!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:200
msgid "What can I say, you made it - congratulations!"
msgstr "Was soll ich sagen, Du hast es geschafft. Gratuliere!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:205
msgid "You killed everybody, not good."
msgstr "Du hast alle get�tet, nicht gut."

#: src/result_screen.cxx:207
msgid "No-one got saved - I know you can do better."
msgstr "Keiner wurde gerettet, ich weiss, dass Du es besser kannst."

#: src/result_screen.cxx:209
msgid ""
"You didn't save enough, but you saved a few.  Next\n"
"time you might do better."
msgstr ""
"Du hast nicht genug gerettet, aber immerhin ein paar.\n"
"N�chstes Mal machst Du es bestimmt besser."

#: src/result_screen.cxx:212
msgid "Only one more and you would have made it - try again!"
msgstr "Einer mehr und Du hast es, versuch es nochmal!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:214
msgid "Only a handful more and you would have made it - try again!"
msgstr "Nur ein paar mehr und Du h�ttest es geschafft, versuch es nochmal!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:216
msgid "Better luck next time!"
msgstr "Mehr Gl�ck f�rs n�chste Mal!"

#: src/result_screen.cxx:232
msgid "Saved: "
msgstr "Gerettet: "

#: src/result_screen.cxx:236
msgid "Died: "
msgstr "Get�tet: "

#: src/result_screen.cxx:240
msgid "Time left: "
msgstr "Verbliebene Zeit: "

#: src/screenshot.cxx:45
msgid "Screenshot: Saving screenshot to: "
msgstr "Screenshot: Speichere Bildschirmphoto als: "

#: src/screenshot.cxx:47
msgid "Screenshot: Screenshot is done."
msgstr "Screenshot: Bildschirmphoto wurde erstellt."

#: src/screenshot.cxx:53
msgid "Screenshot: Couldn't save screenshot"
msgstr "Screenshot: Bildschirmphoto konnte nicht gespeichert werden"

#: src/screenshot.cxx:138
msgid "Screenshot: Couldn't write file: "
msgstr "Screenshot: Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden: "

#: src/spot_map.cxx:286
#, c-format
msgid "Image has wrong color depth: %d"
msgstr "Bild hat falsche Farbtiefe: %d"

#: src/start_screen.cxx:75
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

#: src/start_screen.cxx:158
msgid "Number of Pingus: "
msgstr "Anzahl an Pingus: "

#: src/start_screen.cxx:161
msgid "Number to Save: "
msgstr "Zu rettende Pingus: "

#: src/start_screen.cxx:164
msgid "Time: "
msgstr "Zeit: "

#: src/start_screen.cxx:167
msgid "Difficulty:"
msgstr "Schwierigkeitsgrad:"

#: src/start_screen.cxx:175
msgid "Author: "
msgstr "Autor: "

#: src/start_screen.cxx:178
msgid "Filename: "
msgstr "Dateiname: "

#: src/story.cxx:41
msgid "The Journey Continues"
msgstr "Die Reise geht weiter"

#: src/story.cxx:46
msgid ""
"Now after you and the Pingus have learned the basics and\n"
"practiced a bit it is time to move on and begin the journey into\n"
"the world. Since the ice floe with which the Pingus traveled to the\n"
"Tutorial Island isn't going to hold on the whole way into the warmer\n"
"climates the Pingus have to find something else to guide\n"
"them on their journey.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nachdem Du und die Pingus nun die Grundlagen gelernt und\n"
"ein wenig �bung haben, ist es an der Zeit, weiter zu gehen und die\n"
"Reise in die Welt zu beginnen. Da die Scholle, mit der die Pingus zum\n"
"Tutorial Island reisten, nicht den ganzen Weg in die w�rmeren Regionen\n"
"halten wird, m�ssen die Pingus etwas anderes finden, das sie auf der\n"
"Reise begleitet.\n"

#: src/story.cxx:58
msgid ""
"But as the eldest have said, the Tutorial Island provides not\n"
"only a good way to practice, but it is also the starting point into\n"
"the world. After some searching the Pingus discovered the meaning\n"
"of this, and they found the large tree at the end of the island\n"
"which gave them wood to construct a float.\n"
msgstr ""
"Aber wie die Weisen sagten, ist Tutorial Island nicht nur\n"
"eine M�glichkeit zum �ben, es ist auch der erste Schritt in\n"
"die Welt. Nach einigem Suchen fanden die Pingus die Bedeutung\n"
"davon raus und sie entdeckten die gro�en B�ume am Ende der\n"
"Insel, die Ihnen gutes Material zum Flo�bau lieferten.\n"

#: src/story.cxx:69
msgid ""
"So the Pingus set out and constructed some large rafts, enough\n"
"to carry them all. After also packing a bunch of provisions\n"
"they were prepared to start their journey and leave\n"
"their familiar ground and enter the unknown parts of the world.\n"
msgstr ""
"So gingen die Pingus hin und bauten ein paar gro�e\n"
"Fl��e, genug, um alle zu tragen. Nachdem sie auch noch einigen\n"
"Proviant eingepackt hatten, waren sie endlich bereit, ihre Reise zu\n"
"beginnen, den bekannten Bereich zu verlassen und die unbekannten\n"
"Bereiche der Welt zu betreten.\n"

#: src/story.cxx:79
msgid ""
"So the Pingus sit on their raft, worrying about what's to come and\n"
"where to go, while floating into the sunset.\n"
"To be continued..."
msgstr ""
"So sa�en die Pingus nur auf ihrem Flo� und sorgten sich, was denn nun\n"
"kommen m�ge, w�hrend sie in den Sonnenuntergang trieben.\n"
"Fortsetzung folgt..."

#: src/story.cxx:91
msgid "The Journey Begins"
msgstr "Die Reise beginnt"

#: src/story.cxx:96
msgid ""
"For a long time, the Pingus have lived happily in peace on the\n"
"South Pole along with all the other animals. Everything was in\n"
"balance and it seemed like nothing could disrupt their peace.  The\n"
"Pingus were happy and it seemed like this could never end.\n"
msgstr ""
"Die Pingus lebten schon lange gl�cklich und in Frieden am S�dpol,\n"
"zusammen mit all den anderen Tieren. Alles war im Gleichgewicht und\n"
"es schien, als k�nnte nichts ihren Frieden st�ren. Die Pingus waren\n"
"gl�cklich und es schien, als w�rde dies niemals enden.\n"

#: src/story.cxx:106
msgid ""
"But then one day, things began to change slowly: the sky got darker\n"
"and the earth got warmer. Firstly, they thought this was just a\n"
"normal fluctuation in the world's climate, but things seemed to get\n"
"worse and worse with every year."
msgstr ""
"Aber dann, eines Tages, ver�nderten sich die Dinge langsam. Der\n"
"Himmel wurde dunkler und die Erde w�rmer. Zuerst dachten sie, dies\n"
"w�re nur eine normale Schwankung im Klima, aber es wurde von Jahr \n"
"zu Jahr immer schlimmer."

#: src/story.cxx:117
msgid ""
"The snow began to melt away in a few areas and food became an\n"
"issue. Other animals tried to leave the region to search\n"
"for colder areas, but the Pingus knew that this wouldn't help:\n"
"they knew that they had to do something about it."
msgstr ""
"Der Schnee begann in einigen Bereichen zu schmelzen und Nahrung\n"
"wurde ein Problem. Andere Tiere begannen bereits, die Region zu\n"
"verlassen, um k�ltere Gebiete zu suchen. Aber die Pingus wussten,\n"
"dass dies nicht helfen w�rde, sie wussten, es musste etwas gegen\n"
"dieses Problem getan werden."

#: src/story.cxx:127
msgid ""
"So the circle of the eldest came together to decide what to do\n"
"about it. They decided to send out an expedition around the world\n"
"to find the cause of this warming. The expedition consisted of\n"
"hundreds of the bravest Pingus on the South Pole."
msgstr ""
"Darum traf sich der Rat der �ltesten, um zu entscheiden, was dagegen\n"
"getan werden sollte. Sie entschieden, eine Expedition um die Welt\n"
"zu senden, um den Grund f�r die Erw�rmung zu finden. Die Expedition\n"
"bestand aus hunderten der mutigsten Pingus des ganzen S�dpols."

#: src/story.cxx:137
msgid ""
"And they picked you to lead them on their journey around the\n"
"world. Since the journey will be dangerous and difficult, your\n"
"first goal is the Island of Mogorok, also known as the Tutorial\n"
"Island. According to the eldest, this island has always been the\n"
"first stop of Pingus that were sent out into the world."
msgstr ""
"Und sie w�hlten Dich, um sie auf der Reise um die Welt zu f�hren.\n"
"Denn die Reise wird gef�hrlich und schwierig werden. Dein erstes Ziel ist\n"
"die Insel Mogorok, auch bekannt als Tutorial Island. Den Weisen\n"
"zufolge war diese Insel immer der erste Anlaufpunkt f�r Pingus,\n"
"die in die Welt gesandt wurden."

#: src/story.cxx:148
msgid ""
"The island consists of many areas that are ideal to teach the\n"
"Pingus their abilities. The Pingus can learn to build\n"
"bridges, climb, bash and use many other talents which they\n"
"will need on their long and dangerous journey."
msgstr ""
"Die Insel besteht aus verschiedenen Regionen, die ideal sind, um die\n"
"F�higkeiten der Pingus zu trainieren. Sie k�nnen dort ihre F�hig-\n"
"keiten im Br�ckenbau, klettern, graben und all die anderen Talente\n"
"trainieren, die sie sicher auf der langen und gef�hrlichen Reise\n"
"ben�tigen werden."

#: src/story.cxx:158
msgid ""
"While there, you can practice your abilities in commanding\n"
"and guiding the Pingus. You can also get familiar with\n"
"all the abilities the Pingus provide and learn to master them,\n"
"since you will need all of them on your journey around the\n"
msgstr ""
"W�hrenddessen kannst Du auf der anderen Seite Deine F�higkeit, die\n"
"Pingus zu leiten und zu f�hren, trainieren. Du kannst Dich dort auch mit\n"
"allen F�higkeiten vertraut machen, die die Pingus besitzen und\n"
"erlernen, sie zu meistern, denn Du wirst sie sicher alle auf der\n"
"Reise um die Welt ben�tigen."

#: src/story.cxx:169
msgid ""
"Now that you and the Pingus have arrived at Tutorial Island it\n"
"is time to take command and begin your mission.\n"
"Good Luck!"
msgstr ""
"Nun da du und die Pingus im Tutorial Island angekommen sind,\n"
"musst Du das Kommando �bernehmen und Deine Mission beginnen.\n"
"Viel Gl�ck!"

#: src/system.cxx:273
msgid "Environment variable $HOME not set, fix that and start again."
msgstr ""
"Umgebungsvariable $HOME ist nicht gesetzt. Setze sie und starte erneut."

#: src/worldmap/level_dot.cxx:174 src/worldmap/level_dot.cxx:184
msgid "locked"
msgstr "gesperrt"

#: src/worldmap/manager.cxx:103
msgid "Show Ending?"
msgstr "Ende anzeigen?"

#: src/worldmap/manager.cxx:133
msgid "Show Story?"
msgstr "Geschichte zeigen?"

#: src/worldmap/manager.cxx:161
msgid "Leave?"
msgstr "Verlassen?"

#: src/worldmap/manager.cxx:201
msgid "Enter?"
msgstr "Betreten?"

#: src/worldmap/worldmap.cxx:77
msgid "WorldMap: File not found: "
msgstr "Worldmap: Datei nicht gefunden: "

#: src/worldmap/worldmap.cxx:261
msgid "...walking..."
msgstr "...laufe..."

msgid "You got %d error.\n"
msgid_plural "You got %d error.\n"
msgstr[0] "Du hast %d Fehler\n"
msgstr[1] "Du hast %d Fehler\n"

msgid "found %d fatal error"
msgid_plural "found %d fatal errors"
msgstr[0] "%d fataler Fehler gefunden"
msgstr[1] "%d fatale Fehler gefunden"

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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