Hi Osamu,

On 2014-10-13 02:39, Osamu Aoki wrote:

Thanks for pointing out this bug.  Actually, list was intended to be
like what exactly you pointed out.  It was my mistake in markup with
asciidoc.  (I got confused with mediawiki etc.)

Ah, no problem.

This seems to be the only case of this type of bug as I checked.

Good, thanks

As for the "Author", this is intentional choice.

emacs/vim, apt-get/aptitude, ... there is no right or wrong for which
one to use.  I can only speak of me.  "Debian" does not make position
on which software is the best one.  *I* personally feels people use
apt-get over aptitude too much.  Aptitude has some issues but *I* think
it is the best package management tool on Debian.

I have never used aptitude, so I certainly can't challenge your position.

However, what I can do is to tell you how such an information will be 
perceived. If I would find a reference of this kind in the *reference* of an OS 
I was learning, I would likely close the book and go back to my current OS or 
look for another option. In other words, the reader will either:

 * Picture the project as amateur
 * Simply consider the information as irrelevant, in the best case

I can also tell you some alternatives. Debian does make software choices. The 
reference *can* recommend a certain manager, if appropriate effort is made to 
ensure that the project wants to recommend that implementation.

You can also expose your preferences indirectly, by putting more emphasis on a 
certain manager. In fact, the reference already does that in quite an extreme 
way for aptitude, dedicating the entire section 2.3 to it.

As for combining text into long paragraph, I will not do so with 2
main reasons:
  * It does not match with the style used across this document.
  * It will break translations with no real advantage.

At least, 3 sub-bulleted items describe different things:
  * typical results of incidents
  * speculated mechanism of incidents
  * solution to incidents


I'm not sure how this proposal would conflict with the style. As for breaking 
translations, that's hard to avoid. Lists should be introduced, and the item 
currently in third position does not introduce the following [sub-]items.

Filipus Klutiero

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