Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
> Either shutdown by KDE menu
> or on virtual terminal 1 as root a "shutdown -h now"
> leads to a kexec reboot (with console message: Starting new kernel).
> Can someone else reproduce this issue?
> What other information I should provied?

I can reproduce this (and see bug #785719 against "general").  As far
as I can see it happens with systemd-sysv providing init but not with
old-fashioned sysvinit (and systemd-shim); it must be a side-effect
from the cure for #764360.

With PID1=sysvinit, reloads via kexec work, or I can explicitly halt
the machine via "shutdown".  The one problem is that "reboot" (and
therefore also "coldreboot") ignores the options "-h" and "-p" which
the man page claims should result in a halt or poweroff.  However,
this seems to be a separate bug in the reboot command (it's still true
even if kexec-tools isn't installed).
Under PID1=systemd, kexec reloads work correctly, but shutdown, halt,
reboot, and so on have been replaced by symlinks to /bin/systemctl,
and all of them seem to be interpreted the same way - they all do the
same thing as a desktop shutdown button or control-alt-delete, meaning
that they do a kexec reload (oh, and so does "systemctl poweroff").
Weirdly, "shutdown -h +5" *does* obey the "five minute delay" option,
but it then performs a warm reboot instead of a halt.

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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