Dear Evgeni,

I succeeded to install grml on the same usbstick,
doing the following:

1. the partion label was "loop". I changed it to "msdos"

2. I formatted /dev/sdb1 with mkfs.fat instead of mkfs.vfat

After this df was as fast as it should be

(I used /dev/sdd1 before, since the other device-names were used otherwise)

The command

3. grml2usb --bootoptions=lang=de --bootoptions=nodhcp --grub 
grml64-full_2014.03.iso /dev/sdb1

resulted in:

 Executing grml2usb version 0.14.10
 Using ISO /tmp/grml64-full_2014.03.iso
 Identified grml flavour "grml64-full".
 Copying files. This might take a while....
 Installing default MBR
 mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
 Fatal: Error executing mount (no filesystem on the
 Cleaning up before exiting...
 Fatal: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

The grml-files were copied on /dev/sdb1, but the stick didn't boot. I tried then

4. grml2usb --bootloader-only --bootoptions=lang=de --bootoptions=nodhcp --grub 
grml64-full_2014.03.iso /dev/sdb1

The output was

 Executing grml2usb version 0.14.10
 Using ISO grml64-full_2014.03.iso
 Identified grml flavour grml64-full.
 Installing default MBR
 Installing grub as bootloader
 /usr/sbin/grub-install: Fehler: Mehr als ein
 Installing for i386-pc platform.
 /usr/sbin/grub-install: Warnung: Dateisystem »fat«
 unterstützt keine Einbettungen.
 /usr/sbin/grub-install: Warnung: Einbettung ist nicht
 möglich. GRUB kann in dieser Konfiguration nur mittels
 Blocklisten installiert werden. Blocklisten sind allerdings
 UNZUVERLÄSSIG und deren Verwendung wird daher nicht
 installation beendet. Keine Fehler aufgetreten.
 Note: grml flavour grml64-full was installed as the default
 booting system.
 Note: you can boot flavour grml64-full using 'grml64-full'
 on the commandline. Finished execution of grml2usb
 (0.14.10). Have fun with your Grml system.

Now a had a bootable gmrl-stick

Best regards,


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