Am 04.11.2014 um 11:46 schrieb Arnaud Installe:
cue shell is booted off an initrd image which doesn't have
> enough of systemd / journalctl available (libraries missing etc.). So I
> ran the commands you mention after I manually ran cryptsetup for
> boulez-_home_, boulez-_usr_, and boulez-_var_, exited the rescue shell,
> and waited for the system to finish booting. I hope that the logs will
> help finding the problem. Thanks for looking into it!

Ok, that log is then not really helpful. What confuses me though, is
that you said you have no journalctl available in the rescue shell?

Are you by chance dropped into the rescue shell from the initramfs and
not the systemd rescue shell?
Can you make a screenshot of the rescue shell prompt?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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