Am 05.11.2014 um 14:25 schrieb Norbert Preining:
> Hi TEd, hi Michael (Meskes),
>> override_dh_systemd_enable:
>>        dh_systemd_enable --no-enable debian/acpid.service
>>        dh_systemd_enable debian/acpid.socket
> That --no-enable should probably removed in the rules file.
> There are more kernel modules out there (thinkpad?...) that
> send acpi events via the kernel, thus not starting the
> acpid would disable all of them.

Well, the kernel events are not disabled if acpid is not running. I
think what you meant can be summarised as:

There are different use cases for acpid:
a/ dispatching acpi events via /run/acpid.socket. Those events are
consumed by 3rd party applications which read from the socket file.
Using systemd socket activation means, acpid is only started on demand
if there is actually a consumer requiring acpid.
E.g. traditionally, this was the way, Xorg read ACPI events.

b/ acpid's internal event processing which calls (shell) scripts on
certain events which are defined in /etc/acpi/.

I assume Norbert is using acpid in mode b/, so what he noticed was, that
his shell scripts in /etc/acpi/ were not processed as he apparently
doesn't have a service which triggers the start of acpid by reading from

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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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