tis 2005-12-06 klockan 10:12 -0800 skrev Daniel Burrows:

> > Is there an apt.conf option that increases the penalty for those options?
> > Maybe the default value of that penalty should be considerably increased.
>   The option in question is Aptitude::ProblemResolver::PreserveManualScore;
> I would be interested in hearing whether you have any trouble with that
> cranked up to 1000 or so over a period of time.  (the default is 60)  I'm

Actually, I found it after I sent this report. Unfortunately, it did
*nothing* the change the situation. I set it to 20000, I set it to
-10000, and nothing changed.

Ehhh, now looking again at

I see:

Option: Aptitude::Problem-Resolver::PreserveManualScore

which is what I used. Well, it seems that should be ProblemResolver
(without the '-')... Thus, I need to try that again :-) Should I file a
doc bug?

> not terribly interested in adding more ways to throw away solutions entirely,
> as the more complicated you make those schemes, the more likely that they'll
> eliminate solutions that are actually good.  For instance, saying "never
> remove packages that are to be upgraded" fails when you're upgrading two
> packages A and B, where the newer version of A conflicts with B.

I fully understand that. However, I see no reason why solutions that
contradict your orders should ever come *before* options that obey your
orders. I would very much like to know what the potential negative
consequences of a (very) high default value for that option might be?
I'll definitely try it out and report back. Especially now that the
complex C++ allocator transition is ongoing, I have these situations
quite often...


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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