Package: redmine
Version: 3.0~20140825-1
redmine non si installa, richiede rake 10.1.0 ma il pacchetto non esiste: 
squeeze ha la 0.9.2 e wheezy e seguenti la 10.3
ho trovato un pacchetto con la 10.1.1 ma non la accetta
Setting up redmine (3.0~20140825-1) ...dbconfig-common: writing config to 
Creating config file /etc/redmine/default/ with new 
versiongranting access to database redmine_default for 
redmine_default@localhost: already exists.creating database redmine_default: 
already exists.dbconfig-common: flushing administrative passwordrake 
aborted!You have already activated rake 10.1.1, but your Gemfile requires rake 
10.1.0. Prepending `bundle exec` to your command may solve this.
(See full trace by running task with --trace)dpkg: error processing package 
redmine (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned 
error exit status 1

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