Hi Sébastien,

Le 15/11/2014 12:38, Sébastien Villemot a écrit :
> Le mardi 14 octobre 2014 à 18:27 -0400, David Prévot a écrit :
>> Package: python-sphinx-rtd-theme

>> Please, patch sphinx_rtd_theme/layout.html to use the JavaScript
>> provided by libjs-modernizr instead of making all documentation fetch a 
>> script from the web.
> If I understand correctly, implementing that change means that reverse
> dependencies of python-sphinx-rtd-theme will need to declare a
> dependency on libjs-modernizr. In your opinion, what's the best way to
> handle this? Is documenting this in README.Debian sufficient?

I guess it should be a two step thing:

First, python-sphinx-rtd-theme should depend on libjs-modernizr, and
symlink those JavaScript files from where they belong
(/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/js maybe).
That way, the built documentation will embed those files instead of
linking to an external website.

Then, for Debian packages building such documentation, dh_sphinxdoc
should replace the embedded copy by a symlink to the file provided by
libjs-modernizr, and add the proper dependency in ${sphinxdoc:Depends}.

Maybe the sphinx maintainers will be able to help for the second part. I
would already be happy with the first part fixed (that’s what this bug
is initially about), and wouldn’t mind implementing myself the
dh_sphinxdoc magic in the package I care about until that second part
gets fixed.



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