This one time, at band camp, Eriberto said:
> Hello.
> I delayed to write this message. Excuse me.

No problem, I'm a bit busy myself recently.

> Stephen Gran escreveu:
> >This one time, at band camp, Eriberto said:
> > 
> >>Hello!
> >>
> >>I set  --max-children=20. However the clamav-milter died again. The
> >>proccess runs 24h only. See the log in attach.
> >
> >I see nothing in the log indicating a problem, unfortunately.  How
> >familar are you with strace or ltrace?  If you are familar with any of
> >those, can you attach one of them to the running milter and send me the
> >last couple of hundred lines after a crash.  Note that the milter is
> >threaded, so you'll want to run strace with -ff, and send the files
> >relating to the last several threads before a crash.
> >
> I don't know strace or ltrace. I will try to use them. However I am in 
> vacance (30 days). I don't have contact with the systems.

No problem - it can wait until you come back.

> >gdb would also be nice - a stack trace after a crash would really help.
> >If you're not familiar with any of these commands, let me know and I'll
> >give you instructions.
> I observed the clamav without the -q and --quarantine-dir. It's works fine!

You're saying it doesn't die when you don't use the --quarantine-dir 
option?  That's really wierd, and smells like a leaking file descriptor
bug or something.  When you have time to debug this again, please run
with --quarantine-dir, and take a look at the contents of the quarantine
directory when it starts to choke.  Are there tons of files?  Is the
disk full?  What does an lsof | grep clamav-milter | wc -l say?

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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