* Frank Küster:

> The function that is called in *tetex-bin* is not gmallocn, but gmalloc
> - it's based on xpdf 3.00, not 3.01, and this is the very reason why I
> need to check for an overflow in nTiles * sizeof(JPXTile).

Sure, I wanted to explain why this is not sufficient.  It should be
equivalent to the gmallocn check (once that is fixed, as discussed).

>> By the way, the gmallocn function suffers from undefined integer
>> overflow, too:
>> void *gmallocn(int nObjs, int objSize) {
>>   int n;
>>   n = nObjs * objSize;
>>   if (objSize == 0 || n / objSize != nObjs) {
>>     fprintf(stderr, "Bogus memory allocation size\n");
>>     exit(1);
>>   }
>>   return gmalloc(n);
>> }
> What's the problem here?  That the value in "n" is undefined, and
> therefore the comparison n / objSize != nObjs is undefined, too?

Exactly.  You have a strange way of learning C, most programmers learn
that signed integer overflow is undefined only after they've written
tens of thousands of lines of code. 8-)

> This xpdf stuff seems to be a security nightmare by itself, even if not
> copied to everybodies orig.tar.gz.

The xpdf code which we are discussing is pretty much industry
standard, I fear.
>> The error handling is not suitable for library use, either.  I don't
>> know if this is a problem.
> Only if the poppler people didn't notice...

According to their CVS repository, they didn't. 8-(

I'm going to notify them.  I'm also going to report the undefined
behavior problem to the xpdf folks.

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