On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 05:32:14AM +0100, Teddy Hogeborn wrote:
> Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > This looks like a question for policy rather than the NIS package
> > since coordination with things like adduser seems at least desirable
> > so I'm reassigning the bug there.

> Actually, no.  For this proposal, no cooperation with adduser is
> needed; adduser will work the same as always using the same number
> ranges.

Right.  That is precisely the reason want need to cooperate with adduser.

> > My instinct is that this is probably something that is best handled
> > by the local administrator since having it work effectively requires
> > more coordination between machines than is likely to be achived
> > automatically but I've not considerd the issues too deeply.

> Yes, of course, but a lot of configuration is needed to get NIS up and
> running anyway.  What I am asking for is for the *default* in the NIS
> package to not be changed when this change makes it more difficult to
> allow NIS-exported groups.

Obviously, you can create NIS exported groups, it's just that you can't
do it in exactly the way you want to.

>                             I don't think it's that strange since I am
> just asking for Debian not to change the default upstream value.  The
> current nis package's change of the MINGID value to 1000 serves no
> purpose that I can see.

The purpose it serves it to address bugs like 58881, avoiding collisions
between groups created locally by adduser on a system and groups
exported via NIS.

> Noone needs to wait for debian-policy before changing their packages.
> The way to change the Debian policy is to change the workings of the
> relevant packages (in this case just "nis") and then report this fact
> to debian-policy as an agreed-upon policy by the maintainers in
> question.

Unfortunately, this affects any package which creates a group since
that's the range those groups come from.  If things were changed such
that the 100-999 range were split into a 100-499 local range and a
500-999 exported range that would be addressed and I'd have no problem
with making the change you request.

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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