On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 11:16:43AM +0900, Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > > > > All is in the subject. I don't understand why, though... > > can you give me an example command-line and your config > so that I can create a testcase ?
The .pbuilderrc is attached. There's nothing fancy about it. It's just a basic pbuilderrc. Note the commented BUILDUSERNAME, which eventually gets taken from /etc/pbuilderrc, being why fakeroot gets picked. If I add a BUILDUSERNAME= line, pbuilder uses su instead of fakeroot and succeeds preserving PATH. As for the command line, it's just "pdebuild". > I am assuming you are trying to use ccache. You're right ;) Mike
# this is your configuration file for pbuilder. # the file in /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc is the default template. # /etc/pbuilderrc is the one meant for editing. BASEDIR="${HOME}/pbuilder" # specifying the distribution forces the distribution on "pbuilder update" DISTRIBUTION="sid" BASETGZ="${BASEDIR}/${DISTRIBUTION}/base.tgz" #EXTRAPACKAGES=gcc3.0-athlon-builder EXTRAPACKAGES="ccache" #export DEBIAN_BUILDARCH=athlon BUILDPLACE="${BASEDIR}/${DISTRIBUTION}/build/" MIRRORSITE="http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian" #MIRRORSITE=http://snapshot.debian.net/archive/2004/11/18/debian #NONUSMIRRORSITE="http://www.jp.debian.org/debian-non-US" #OTHERMIRROR="deb http://www.home.com/updates/ ./" #export http_proxy=http://your-proxy:8080/ USEPROC="yes" USEDEVPTS="yes" USEDEVFS="no" BUILDRESULT="${BASEDIR}/${DISTRIBUTION}/result/" #specify the cache for APT APTCACHE="${BASEDIR}/${DISTRIBUTION}/aptcache/" APTCACHEHARDLINK="yes" REMOVEPACKAGES="lilo" #HOOKDIR="/usr/lib/pbuilder/hooks" HOOKDIR="${BASEDIR}/hooks" # make debconf not interact with user export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" DEBEMAIL="Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" #for pbuilder debuild BUILDSOURCEROOTCMD="fakeroot" PBUILDERROOTCMD="sudo" #default is to build everything. Passed on to dpkg-buildpackage #DEBBUILDOPTS="-b" DEBBUILDOPTS="" #APT configuration files directory APTCONFDIR="" # the username and ID used by pbuilder, inside chroot. Needs fakeroot, really BUILDUSERID=1234 #BUILDUSERNAME=pbuilder AUTO_DEBSIGN=yes export CCACHE_DIR="/home/mh/pbuilder/ccache" export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}" OTHERMIRROR="deb file://${HOME}/dd/repository/ unstable/" BINDMOUNTS="${HOME}/dd/repository ${CCACHE_DIR}"