On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:36:30AM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:

[ /etc/rc.local ]
> # By default this script does nothing.
> systemctl restart nfs-common
> systemctl restart autofs
> systemctl stop nslcd
> systemctl start nslcd
> exit 0
Investigating further (virtual-box VM setup) I dropped the connection to 
the internet gateway, then restarted main server and workstation.

With the above stated commands in rc.local the workstation failed 6 out 
of 6 times to get NFS mount right.

Then I changed the commands in rc.local like this:

# By default this script does nothing.

systemctl stop nslcd
systemctl start nslcd
systemctl restart autofs

exit 0

With this workaround NFS mount succeeded 10 out of 10 times.

So I guess the NFS issue boils down to the fact that order of services' 
start matters. Maybe a proper sequence can be achieved using nslcd and 
autofs systemd services files containing the right targets.


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