On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 09:45:33AM +0100, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> Please apply this little patch that makes cron & systemd-cron play nice
> together.

As indicated by Christian, I'm afraid we cannot accept this patch.

We can either close it or, if you agree, we change this into a "wishlist"
patch asking cron to provide its conffiles in a separate package. As
discussed in the thread you started in debian-devel [1]

Bear in mind, moving conffiles from a package to another one is not that
simple and is quite error-prone. I'm not sure we want to introduce such a big
change during the freeze (and even if we do it might not be accepted by RMs).

Also please note that if system-crond starts manipulating cron's postrm files
it could be considered a serious bug (and policy violation). Please don't go
through that road...

Best regards


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/12/msg00287.html

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