Package: zhcon
Version: 1:0.2.6-10
Maintainer: Aron Xu
Bugs: The "zhcon" executable fails to launch.
Buggy patch link:

Bug description:
The "0008-default-to-utf8.patch" file is a buggy patch, it causes the failure 
of launching the "zhcon" executable. Please remove the patch.

Technical infomation:
The maintainer Aron Xu has misunderstood the usage of "getopt_long" function, 
and therefore the code below in the patch "0008-default-to-utf8.patch":

static struct option long_options[] = {
  { "help",    0, NULL, 'h' },
  { "version",    0, NULL, 'V' },
  { "utf8",    0, NULL, 1 },
  { "drv",    1, NULL, 0 },
  { NULL,    0, NULL, 0 }

causes the "getopt_long" returns 1 while you use the "--utf8" switch, and then 
the "switch-case" runs into "default" label and causes the entire program exits 

If you do not add the "--utf8" switch, the code in below in line number 247:

if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "utf8") == 0)

cause failure to run into the if-clause and therefore unable to set the UTF-8 

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