Am 01.01.2015 um 14:32 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> So the "obvious" fix I had in mind will not work. Any other ideas, how
> we can fix this? Shall we create symlinks in /run/systemd/?
> A possible issue with that approach might be, that multiple init scripts
> could have the same Provides: foo, so only one of them could provide
> that name, as we can only have one symlink with that name.
> I could check the existing SysV init scripts in the archive, if that is
> a problem in practice or only a theoretical issue.

A few result/numbers:

*** conflicting Provides/Names ***

postfix: /etc/init.d/postfix -> mail-transport-agent
xmail:   /etc/init.d/xmail -> mail-transport-agent

busybox-syslogd: /etc/init.d/busybox-syslogd -> syslogd
dsyslog:         /etc/init.d/dsyslog -> syslogd

apcupsd:    /etc/init.d/ups-monitor
nut-client: /etc/init.d/ups-monitor
powstatd:   /etc/init.d/ups-monitor

*** SysV init scripts, which reference "aliased" names ***

amavisd-new/init.d/amavisd-snmp-subagent:# Required-Start:    $remote_fs
$syslog amavisd-new
amavisd-new/init.d/amavis-mc:# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
==> found amavisd-new

4store/init.d/4store:# Should-Start:      $network $syslog avahi
controlaula/init.d/controlaula:# Should-Start:      avahi
ltsp-controlaula/init.d/controlaula:# Should-Start:      avahi
mopidy/init.d/mopidy:# Should-Start:      $named alsa-utils avahi dbus
sabnzbdplus/init.d/sabnzbdplus:# Should-Start:      $named dbus avahi
network-manager wicd
==> found avahi

fail2ban/init.d/fail2ban:# Should-Start:      $time $network $syslog
iptables firehol shorewall ipmasq arno-iptables-firewall
iptables-persistent ferm
==> found firewall

fso-gpsd/init.d/fso-gpsd:# Required-Start:    $remote_fs dbus frameworkd
==> found frameworkd

gfs2-utils/init.d/gfs2-utils:# Required-Start:  $remote_fs $network cman
==> found gfs_controld

exim4-base/init.d/exim4:# Should-Start:      postgresql mysql
clamav-daemon greylist spamassassin
==> found greylist

ifscheme/init.d/ifscheme:# Required-Start:    ifupdown
ifupdown-scripts-zg2/init.d/ifupdown-scripts-zg2:# X-Start-Before:
ifupdown networking
pppconfig/init.d/dns-clean:# X-Start-Before:    networking ifupdown
resolvconf/init.d/resolvconf:# X-Start-Before:    networking ifupdown
==> found ifupdown

multipath-tools/init.d/multipath-tools:# Should-Start:      iscsi
xen-utils-common/init.d/xendomains:# Should-Start:      drbd iscsi
==> found iscsi

schroot/init.d/schroot:# Should-Start:      lvm
==> found lvm

echolot/init.d/echolot:# Should-Start:      mail-transport-agent $syslog
fetchmail/init.d/fetchmail:# Should-Start:      $mail-transport-agent
postfix exim4 $named
mixmaster/init.d/mixmaster:# Should-Start:      mail-transport-agent
nslcd/init.d/nslcd:# X-Start-Before:    $mail-transport-agent
$x-display-manager am-utils apache2 atd autofs citadel courier-ldap
courier-mta courier-mta-ssl courier-pop courier-pop-ssl cron cyrus-imapd
dovecot exim4 gdm3 kdm kolab-cyrus-common mail-transport-agent masqmail
nullmailer sendmail slim wdm xdm
pynslcd/init.d/pynslcd:# X-Start-Before:    $mail-transport-agent
$x-display-manager am-utils apache2 atd autofs citadel courier-ldap
courier-mta courier-mta-ssl courier-pop courier-pop-ssl cron cyrus-imapd
dovecot exim4 gdm3 kdm kolab-cyrus-common mail-transport-agent masqmail
nullmailer sendmail slim wdm xdm
qpsmtpd/init.d/qpsmtpd:# Should-Start: $syslog $mail-transport-agent
clamav-daemon spamassassin
tenshi/init.d/tenshi:# Should-Start:      $named $mail-transport-agent
zope-maildrophost/init.d/zope-maildrophost:# Should-Start:
==> found mail-transport-agent

cloud-init/init.d/cloud-init:# X-Start-Before:    sshd
drbd-utils/init.d/drbd:# Should-Start:   sshd multipathd
smokeping/init.d/smokeping:# Should-Start:      sshd apache
sshguard/init.d/sshguard:# Should-Start:      sshd
vzctl/init.d/vz:# Should-Start:  sshd vzeventd
==> found sshd

busybox-syslogd/init.d/busybox-klogd:# Should-Start:      syslogd
==> found syslogd

am-utils/init.d/am-utils:# Should-Start:      ypbind nslcd
autofs/init.d/autofs:# Should-Start: ypbind nslcd slapd
cron/init.d/cron:# Should-Start:      $network $named slapd autofs
ypbind nscd nslcd winbind
==> found ypbind

- openssh-server ships a native ssh.service and a sshd.service alias, so
is probably safe.
- avahi-daemon ships a native avahi-daemon.service unit and should
probably also ship an avahi.service symlink

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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