I took a look at this again, and I got it to work!  (Writing this from
2.6.14-2-k7 now.)

The problem for me was hinted at above, in the line "You can do 'mount
-o bind / /mnt; ls /mnt/dev' to see what's there.  /dev/.static/dev/
may contain an alias of this" -- apparently the important word in this
sentence is "may".  I did the simpler one (ls /dev/.static/dev/), and
it looked OK, so I stopped looking at that; when I tried the other
one, /mnt/dev/ was empty.  I created 'console' and 'null' in there
with mknod, and rebooted, and it came up just fine.

Another page I found that discusses this, and exactly what you need:

Does this help anybody/everybody else?

- Ken

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