Thijs Kinkhorst <> writes:

> Hi,
> When authentication via yubikey is triggered, the module prompts:
>   YubiKey for `username': 
> However, there's no visual feedback that characters are being input when
> you press the button on the yubikey, so as a user you're unsure if anything
> is happening (and this may take half a second or more). Especailly with
> the Nano which has no physical feedback when touching it.
> It would be nice if the prompt would change when the first character of
> input was received.

Hi.  Is this even possible to achieve from libpam-yubico?  The module
doesn't know that it is used with a terminal, it might be called from a
GNOME Screensaver, non-interactive SSH server, or whatever.  The
application is responsible for these user interaction settings.

Have you seen any other PAM module behave in a way that we could mimic?
Then we can look at the code of that and see if that is applicable to
our module.


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