Hello Wouter,

the build of icedove 31.4.0-2 is broken again on powerpc-unicamp-01 (as
expected). Could you please reschedule the build on another powerpc
buildd again?
Christoph has fixed a RC bug [6] with this version of icedove and by
this it is important for us to get this version of icedove into testing.


(I don't have cut up the old mail because I added the RC bug about FTBFS
on powerpc [7] to the CC list of this mail.)

Am 22.01.2015 um 21:20 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
> Hello Wouter,
> Am 20.01.2015 um 00:58 schrieb Wouter Verhelst:
>>> Could this problem depends on the autobuilder powerpc-unicamp-01?
>> Possibly, but I don't think it's a configuration issue on the buildd or
>> some such. All buildd hosts these days use throwaway chroots; that means
>> that if the issue occurs, it *should* also occur in a clean chroot.
>> Looking at the buildd log, we see:
>> <jemalloc>Compile-time page size does not divide the runtime one.
>> which to me smells like an incorrect assumption either in jemalloc or in
>> the code that uses jemalloc. But I'm not sure; I don't know what the
>> message means.
> In the past from time to time we had build issues related to jemalloc
> [1], but Mozilla has worked on the code, probably initiated by Mike
> Hommey [3-5].
> This message is produced by a simple check if the pagesize is different
> to internal result check. On powerpc (and other platforms as well) the
> source is setting a definition of MALLOC_STATIC_SIZES to 1 because the
> code should be compiled as compile-time constants for performance
> reasons. This means later that some things are hardcoded and hasn't to
> detect by the CPU and the system, but the jemalloc compiler is proofing
> later the environment [2] before it will translate the code. But exactly
> here on this on the buildd this check was failing.
> But how the jemalloc thing is exactly working ... I also don't know. :)
>>> And finally could you schedule a rebuild of icedove on another
>>> autobuilder?
>> We could randomly disable icedove on some buildd hosts and not on others
>> if it really FTBFS due to hardware, but I'd prefer to see the root cause
>> found and (hopefully) fixed.
>> We don't currently know what the problem is, though.
> I don't know if you have done some buildd's disabled for the icedove
> packages, but last night a build on host 'parry' was successful!
> That's because Christoph was meaning that there could be something
> different to the porter box. It would be interesting to found out what
> the differences are to the other buildd.
> [1] 
> https://sources.debian.net/src/icedove/31.4.0-1/mozilla/memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c/
> [2] 
> https://sources.debian.net/src/icedove/31.4.0-1/mozilla/memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c/#L1085
> [3] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708331
> [4] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=825165
> [5] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=840242

[6] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=770008
[7] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=775788

Carsten Schoenert

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