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On 2015-01-30 00:19, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> On 2015-01-29 23:16, Christian Kastner wrote:
> Which is erroneously moved aside by sudo-ldap.preinst, thereafter dpkg
> unpacks sudo-ldap, takes over file ownership (incl. conffiles) from sudo
> and once it gets around to installing ist conffile it notices that this
> has not changed from the known md5sum, so no attempt is made to
> "upgrade" the missing conffile.

OK, you're right. It's not a matter of moving /etc/sudoers.pre-conffile
back; the issue is that (at least on wheezy and above) it should not
have been moved aside in the first place.

The error appears to be (as you say) in sudo.preinst and
sudo-ldap.preinst, specifically that the --compare-versions check does
not account for the case when old-version is empty, which will always be
the case when switching between sudo and sudo-ldap. Consequently,
/etc/sudoers always gets moved during a switch.

I'll try a new fix that works both the pre-conffile and conffile case
next week (unless someone else beats me to it).


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