Don Armstrong <> writes:

> On Tue, 03 Feb 2015, Richard Hartmann wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Don Armstrong <> wrote:
>> > 1) name of the psuedopackage
>> >
>> > Presumably, that's "" in this case.
>> Correct.
>> > 2) a short description of what the pseudopackage will be used for
>> > (suitable for inclusion in
>> Problems and requests related to the DebConf Summit instance
> OK.
>> > 3) The e-mail address of the maintainer of the psuedopackage
>> Unsure; the general list may be too spammy, yet we would ideally want
>> to avoid Yet Another Mailing List. Can we just add ourselves with
>> personal addresses for now?
>> Initially:
>> cate@d.o
>> richih@d.o
>> stefanor@d.o
> I'd really prefer not to; that would require me editing the maintainer
> list manually any time someone wanted it changed. [And it also doesn't
> scale very well; a mailing list also enables anyone who wants to join
> your team without having to bug me.]
> I should note as well that whatever the mailing list is, it needs to be
> configured to allow BTS mail. Currently debconf-team does not appear to
> be properly configured.

I think the best would be to create a new list for this on We want to move all the debconf lists to the Debian
list infrastructure anyway. I suggest
A list also makes it easier for other interested persons to join the
team or just watch what's going on.

debconf-team does not seem like the right list of this is also about
implementation discussions and the like.


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