Control: tag -1 +pending

On 09/09/2014 04:40 PM, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> Le Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:36:31 +0530,
> Ritesh Raj Sarraf <> a écrit :
>> On Tuesday 09 September 2014 05:39 AM, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
>>>>> Did you play with the change you had proposed ?
>>>>> I tried it but now I do not get the apport popups. I'll look into
>>>>> it sometime later but if you already did, please do share your
>>>>> results.
>>> No I didn't really test it it was a wild guess, sorry.
>> This is not seeming to work. All the crash reports are owned by me. 
>> Also, syslog reports of firing the command. Need to look into more
>> detail.
> I guess it's not working because it's monitoring a full directory?

Hey Laurent,

I looked again into this issue. And you were right. IN_CLOSE_WRITE is
serving all the needs. I missed to push this change in today's upload,
but very soon I'll push that too. It is already fixed in the git repo in
commit id: b2aa033

Again, thanks for your input.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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