On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 08:34:58AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Well frankly, I prefer to handle that myself. This way I can decide a string
> That doesn't scale, sorry. What will happen when you'll get more than
> 60 translations ? :-). Will you check each one and try to decide
> whether it is up-to-date or not to decide shipping it or not?

How it is related to string freeze ? If there are 60 translations,
I _much_ prefer not to get updates before the start of the string freeze.

> What I can't figure out is whether you don't want to use po4a at
> all....or just avoid shipping PO files in your tarball.

I don't want the _upstream_ build system to require po4a. I don't mind
about the Debian build system, provide the translation are not specific
t Debian.

There are other issues with po4a, mainly that the output does not match
the currentl manpage layout, so it make harder to review, but that can
probably be fixed.

> I actually don't care of the intermediate steps as long as we can
> guarantee that we have in Debian:
> -a convenient file for translators to work on: PO files are
>  convenient, manpages aren't
> -always up-to-date files
> If you can add to this a convenient way to ship tarballs with
> up-to-date manpages to other vendors, that's fine.
> > Yes, but given the current state of the English manpages, does it worth
> > the trouble ? I don't mind the French translation since I can fix both
> > the English and French at once.
> > 
> > If the manpages are important enough to be translated, they must probably 
> > be rewritten first. Which I am doing slowly, but I am not a good English
> > writer anyway.
> Manpages are always important. And translated manpages are important
> *as long as they are up-to-date*.
> The usual objection against translated manpages is that they're often
> outdated...which is true with a manual translation system.

That not the issue either. The issue is that some of the _original_ 
manpages are not up-to-date and poorly written. Whatever process we use,
the translations are not going to be up-to-date either, and probably
full of mistake because the original was unclear.

> Using po4a guarantees that the translated manpage remains up-to-date
> because changed strings fuzzy the translations and are not used. This
> may result in a translated manpage which is a mix of English and
> another language....which you can decide not shipping with your
> package with a special case of the build system.
> So, again, are you completely ruling out po4a in either the package
> build system or the "upstream" tarballs build system?

No, I am not.


Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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