On 13 February 2015 at 22:03, Dmitry Shachnev <mity...@debian.org> wrote:

> Thank you, I also need this package because Python-Markdown is going to
> use it for building its docs as well at some point in the future (will
> need to think how to avoid the circular dependency though).

Circular build depends, what fun :-)

> Looks like upstream really does not provide any stable Python API,
> so I think there is no need to build public module packages.

What should I call the package? mkdocs? Or python3-mkdocs?

> But you will make me a bit happier if you make the executable use
> Python 3.

That will have to wait for a python3-watchdog package.

Also an update: at one stage I was concerned that it wouldn't work with
python markdown 2.5.1, which is in Debian. This appears to be incorrect -
it seems to work fine for me anyway. I get the impression the only reason
for depending on markdown < 2.5 is for Python 2.6 support, which we don't
care about.
Brian May <b...@debian.org>

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