Control: submitter -1 Fargier Nicolas <>

-=| Fargier Nicolas, 18.02.2015 12:11:58 +0000 |=-
> Hi,i am the submitter of the bug, i made a mistake with my mail it is 
> , don't know if i could change this with reportbug ?

I hope the above control line fixes that.

> I will try with other data files tonight just to be sure that my 
> data files are ok.

Can you compare the md5 checksums and the sizes with those in ?

> I used the french version of the pc dos game and amiga mod files for 
> music.
> To confirm you : the crash did not happen during the charging but it 
> happen when you use the battery to power up the bridge.i have try it 
> 3 times and it always crash at the same moment.

Alright, I'll see if I can go pass that point.

-- damĀ 

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