❦ 25 février 2015 20:34 +0200, Alex Kiousis <al...@noc.grnet.gr> :

> We use lldp to get information about the parents of our hosts (about
> 100 nodes). Some time ago we switched to also broadcasting lldp
> information to the tap interfaces so the vms running on the machine
> can get that information. Since then lldpd has been randomly and on
> rare occasions (i.e. one host per week) freezing completely. The
> proccess is still alive but lldcpctl gets stuck and the daemon is not
> sending data (lldpctl from a vm is empty). Restarting the daemon fixes
> it.
> We also see these logs which must be relevant:
> lldp_send: unable to send packet on real device for tap14: No buffer space 
> available
> I haven't tested with the newer package available on backports but
> since the bug is difficult to reproduce

What kind of VM is that? It's odd to run out of space on those tap
interfaces. This can be the cause of lldpd hanging since writing to the
devices is done synchronously while the remaining of the daemon is

Maybe you could get the output of strace the next time you run into the
problem (strace -p pidoflldpd). There are two processes but the one
likely to be blocked is the one running as _lldpd user.
Use debugging compilers.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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