On ven, mar 06, 2015 at 03:46:12 +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Alessandro Ghedini <gh...@debian.org>, 2015-03-06, 15:05:
> >>$ mpv crash.mp4
> >>Playing: crash.mp4
> >>[libav/video] h264: AVC: nal size 889
> >>[libav/video] h264: no frame!
> >>[libav/demuxer] mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2: stream 0, offset 0x8c69: partial 
> >>file
> >>(+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264)
> >>File tags:
> >>Title: 860240514032667
> >>Opening video filter: [expand aspect=1440/900]
> >>[expand] Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, aspect: 1.600000, round: 1
> >>[libav/video] h264: AVC: nal size 889
> >>[libav/video] h264: AVC: nal size 889
> >>[libav/video] h264: no frame!
> >>VO: [xv] 3642x720 => 3642x2276 yuv420p
> >>V: 00:00:00 / 00:00:15 (0%)
> >>
> >>
> >>Exiting... (End of file)
> >>*** Error in `mpv': free(): invalid pointer: 0xedf28020 ***
> >>Aborted
> >
> >I can't reproduce.
> Could you try with these options?
> -vo=xv -vf=expand=::::1440/900
> Apparently they are needed to trigger the crash. I forgot I had them in my
> mpv.conf.

Still can't reproduce. You can try using the --no-config option to make sure
configuration files don't interfere. Also, the output of playing the file with
the --msg-level=all=trace option could be useful as well.


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