On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 11:56:23AM +0100, Guido A.J. Stevens wrote:
| zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
| "/var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/etc/site.zcml", line 14.2-14.36
| ZopeSAXParseException: File
| "/var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/etc/principals.zcml", line 30.24,  not
| well-formed (invalid token)
| On inspection of this config file it turned out the breakage was caused by
| an ampersand ("&") character in the password I had supplied for the admin
| user during preinstall. Changing the password fixed the problem.

Another workaround is to manually change the & to & in the file.
This problem is triggered by any characters in the username or
password that are not allowed literally in XML.

I took a look and the faulty code is in
zope/app/server/mkzopeinstance.py around lines 192 and 228.


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