Control: severity -1 important

Dear Mateusz,

On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 22:55:11 Mateusz Łukasik wrote:
> Control: severity critical -1

Please do not panic. There is no need to re-(set) severity level to a 
dramatically incorrect value -- see

> I think this bug should be bump to cricical. mc burn my cpu.

Thanks. Maintainer may decide to reconsider severity level however at the 
moment he believes that correct severity level is "important".

> Simple
> patch from last answer fixes the problem and it should be added to
> jessie version.

I'm not convinced that this patch is the correct solution to the problem.
We will follow upstream decision on this. Earlier I gave my analysis of the 
problem in

where I've noted that setting TERM="xterm" may be easier workaround than 

It may be helpful if you remind upstream how important this problem really is.

> Also I attach my nmu debdiff.

Thank you but I must say that considering late freeze a correct NMU should 
contain one and only one isolated fix addressing this particular problem.

You can read more about NMUs and freeze here:

 Dmitry Smirnov
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